How do I create a discard catalog?
Mon Jun 13 2022 07:08:27 GMT-0500 (hora estándar oriental)
Go to System > Catalogs > Discarded:
Create a catalog of probable reasons why a prospect or opportunity is discarded.
When you enter you will see a window similar to the following:
Discarded by: Name of the reason for discarding.
Type: Entity selected to display the option created.
- The type is selected from this section called Entity:
- To register a new option click on the Add button:
Where the only thing you have to do is to put the following information:
- Discarded by*: Enter the name of the reason for discarding.
- Type*: Entity to which the previously described reason will be assigned.
And in order to delete any of the registered reasons, you can do it from the ellipsis on the right side in the Delete option:
Once the administrator has added the possible reasons for discarding a prospect or opportunity, the other users will be able to make use of those reasons by clicking on the discard icon from the prospect or opportunity screen:
The following window will appear in which you can choose one of the options. There is also the option Other that will give you a free format to add a different reason to the established ones:
You can review the main reasons why executives discard in the Discarded Report.