What to choose: CRM or ERP? - Upnify
Upnify CRM

Choosing between CRM and ERP

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

CRM Upnify CRM | 20 de junio, 2022

There are systems that help to collect all these processes in a single platform, such as CRM´s and ERP´s that are used by most companies to manage sales-focused activities.

It is important to understand what each of these tools is used for, this way you will know which one is the right one for your business or company, because sometimes they are often confused. In this article we will review the most relevant features of each of these software.

An ERP aims to manage operating costs and production processes to optimize the company´s financial resources.

ERP functions:

- Banking

- Accounting

- Costing

- Production

- Warehouse

- Purchasing

- Sales

A CRM is a management model oriented to the customer and the sales force. Its objective is to improve customer acquisition, retention and company growth.

CRM functions:

- Automate

- Connect the sales funnel

- Integrate with your social networks

- Reach connection with landing pages

- Use communication tools

- Set sales goals and KPI´s

The main differences of these software are:

- CRM is focused on customers, sales activities, inventories, invoicing and inbound marketing.

- An ERP focuses on operations, inventories, billing, customers, finance, purchasing and production.

Do I need a CRM or an ERP?

A CRM is used to generate more sales and increase revenue, while an ERP controls costs and decreases expenses. The focus of a CRM is on the customer and an ERP is focused on the operation.

Another feature that makes them different is their metrics and reports, those of a CRM are the sales funnel, goals, commercial activities, continuity, commercial opportunities, while those of an ERP are accounting reports, inventory planning, accounts receivable, work orders.

When is the right time to get one?

A CRM will be useful when you have active marketing campaigns, make B2B sales, want to track your sales force and want to generate recurring customers.

An ERP is very useful for inventory management, controlling the operation of your company or business, and also allows you to manage the interaction between administrative departments.

To make it clearer, the areas that benefit are the following:

With a CRM

- Marketing

- Sales and Marketing

- Customer service

With an ERP

- Accounting

- Financials

- Distribution

Now that you know the difference between each one of these software, you will be able to identify which one is the right one to implement in your business or company and optimize your tools.

Take control and empower your administration!

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What should a CRM system have?

To manage our customers we need not only a well-organized database, but also a tool such as a CRM system that facilitates the management of the database and the relationships with customers, and where the commercial activity is reflected.
