Help > Catalogs > How do I create sales force groups?

How do I create sales force groups?

Mon Jun 13 2022 07:08:27 GMT-0500 (hora estándar oriental)

System -> Catalog -> Sales Force Groups

Organize your account users in a similar structure to your business to improve workflow and maintain order of information: by creating Groups and subgroups. 

When adding users to your account you can organize them as Members of a group, so that you have an order with the interaction and information that each user generates. 


To better segment your sales force, you have: 

- Groups (root or parent): these groupings work as the first level, and you can create only these if this is what works for your business.

- Subgroups (child): these are groups within other groups. They work as second and even third level, and this way you can segment more specifically the users of your account. You need to create parent G. to add subgroups.

With this you can organize your users by regions and departments, or as your business needs.

How to create Groups (parent)?

1.- Go to System > Catalogs > Groups. 

2.- Click on Add

3.- Type the corresponding name, and if at the moment there is no audit, select "Inactive".

4.- Done! Your new group will be created. 

How do I create Sub-groups (child)?

1.- In the same Groups screen, locate the options menu of the group you want to add sub-groups to. And select the +Add option

3.- Write the corresponding name, and if at the moment there is no audit, select "Inactive".

4.- Done! You now have a subgroup. 

**Note: The administrator is the only one who can add or delete sales force groups.