Help > Catalogs > What are permits and what are they for?

What are permits and what are they for?

Mon Jun 13 2022 07:08:27 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

When adding users or members to our sales force, you need to select which permissions will be necessary for them to use the system according to their position in the organization.

The permissions that you can grant or deny as administrator to your executives, managers and auditors are the following:

Company: It consists of determining if the user will be able to register companies in the system to perform a business prospecting and to indicate the company of the prospects, business opportunities and clients that enter the system.

Create tags: Segmentation tags allow the identification of a group of contacts that share a common characteristic. The account administrator will be able to decide whether or not the user will have the power to create such segments with tags.

Templates: Mail templates are pre-designed formats with information that frequently needs to be sent to contacts in Upnify By allowing the user to create templates, you will give them the ability to upload as many formats as they need to streamline and save time in their communication process.

**The administrator can decide if they can just use, create or use and create templates. **

Document: The document library facilitates access to documents that are relevant to Upnify With this permission, users can upload documents, images or quotation formats, at company level, or group level for group use.

These documents can be of common use, such as catalogs, company bank accounts, company name, among others.

Maintenance: Maintenance allows you to maintain the consistency of your database. Combining records ensures that there are no duplicate contacts and when showing inconsistencies you will be able to see the data that seems invalid from your contacts.

**It is recommended to leave this permission exclusively for the administrator of the account**.

Discounts: This permission implies the possibility that the user may or may not apply or create discounts to their customers.

Remember that discounts are applied with the help of the quotation tool when creating the business opportunity or when creating a direct sale. 

Modify price: You will be able to modify the price of the products with this permission.

Commission: This permission allows you to enter the percentage or amount of commission that the executives will get from their sales.

Tag: This permission, will allow executives, the ability to create tags to segment their customers, opportunities and prospects, and to create automatic communications linked to the tags.

Import: This permission, gives the ability to import products, leads, opportunities, sales, companies and customers that are stored elsewhere.

Export: This permission, will give them the ability to download all the information stored in the system for prospects, opportunities, customers, sales, collections and commissions.

Reassign: In Upnify you can reassign a contact (prospect, opportunity or customer) to another executive so that the latter can continue to follow up on it.

Sharing: In Upnify it is possible to share and/or un-share contacts among your company's users. So that 2 or more executives can follow up on the same contact. The sharing options apply for prospects, business opportunities, customers and even companies.

Professional version:

Communication campaigns:

This permission, will allow them to make use of and create automatic communications. 


If the fiscal information of the company and the client has been registered, it is possible to issue invoices from Upnify

**Remember that only the administrator can purchase the necessary invoicing stamps **.

Cancel Invoices: In addition to issuing invoices, it is possible to grant permission for their cancellation.