Help > Integrations > Clic to chat Integration

Clic to chat Integration

Mon Jun 13 2022 07:08:27 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

You now will be able to invite your site visitors to a Facebook Messenger or WhatsApp conversation, collecting their contact details and automatically registering them in your CRM, for further follow-up. 

To set up this tool on your website, go to Integrations > API and navigate to the bottom of the screen, click +Add integration and select the Chats integration option.

Now complete the information the system asks for.

Set a name for the integration, this will allow you to identify it. 

Select the data that will be used to create the contacts in your account such as the phase, the origin, tags and the user that will receive these contacts.

Configure some general aspects of the chat such as the language (it can be Spanish, English or Portuguese), what position it will have on your page (it can be in the lower left or right corners).

Customize it by setting a greeting message, name and photo that you will give to the chat, this way you can give detailed attention.

Finally select if you want to start a chat with the contacts via WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger or you can choose to make both options available and let your visitors choose the one they want. 

Note: To make the integration to a WhatsApp chat you only need to add the country key and the user's phone number. If you want to add the integration to a Facebook Messenger chat, go to the Facebook profile of the user who will attend the chat, copy the url ending of his profile, paste it in the system field and click on Get my Facebook page ID.

Once you have completed all the information click on the OK button, the system will take you to a screen where you can copy the integration code, you will have to paste it in the pages of your website where you want the chat button to appear.

Copy all the code and ask your site manager to paste it in the Header tag of the pages.

When it is ready, a button will appear on your site that your contacts will be able to see and click to start a conversation directly with you. 

Note: Remember that from the same integration you can add a WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger chat, therefore, it is NOT possible to add two integrations to the same site to add in each one a type of chat.