Help > Notifications > How do I configure the notifications of my equipment?

How do I configure the notifications of my equipment?

Mon Jun 13 2022 07:08:27 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Configure and customize the notifications of the events you wish to receive at company level.

To do this, follow these steps:

1.- In the top bar select: System > Customization > Notifications.

From the listed events that appear, select with a dove the box of the desired means of communication and choose if you want to see them in the system, if you want to receive an email with the notification, if you want to receive a comment balloon within the crm, and/or if you want to receive a notification in the mobile app.

Type of Notifications:

Web Notification: Every time you log in to your Upnify account, the last 10

E-mail: The notification will arrive by e-mail (registered user).

SMS: The notification will arrive by SMS message to the registered user's cell phone number.

Via Push: The notification will appear on the devices that have the Upnify App (these will be shown as follows 30 MIN before the scheduled time)