Help > Quotation > Format Sheets

Format Sheets

Mon Jun 13 2022 07:08:27 GMT-0500 (hora estándar oriental)

Sheets! allows you to customize the folios you want to assign to the formats you issue. Therefore, the requirement is that the format you are going to use has the [FOLIO] label.

To do this, go to System > Personalization > Folios.

Once in Folio format, you will see that by default the General to which all the quotes you make will belong without specifying any other type of folio.

To add new folios, click on the +Add folio button. If you have selected the option Allow the selection of folios, when you request a format and click on Suggest folio, the system will show you the folios that correspond to you, either by executive, by format, by group or general. When the option Allow selection of folios is selected, when suggesting folio the system will assign the folio number according to the following priority: 1. Formats, 2. Executive, 3 Group, 4 General.  

Immediately, the system will show you the following window:

In it you will be able to see three fields that you can complete with the following information:

Folio: Specify the number from which you want to start counting the folios.

Series: In this field you can put alphabetic or numeric characters to identify the pages you add.

Type: Allows you to choose if the folio is going to be by executive(s), format(s) or group(s).

  • Executive. In this case, it will show you the account executives so that you can indicate which of your executives you want the folio in question to apply to.

  • Format.library Formats located in Tools > Documents and images. You can indicate to which of your formats you want the folio in question to apply.

  • Group: You will be able to visualize the different groups of the sales force that you have, to select which one or which of them you want the folio in question to apply to.

Once you have configured your folio, click the Add to activate your new folio.

Ready! Your folio will be successfully added. As you can see in the following image, it appears that a page was added to the Innovation Group.

At the bottom of the Folio section you will see that there is a checkbox that says Allow folio selection. This means that if a Quotation Format corresponds to different Series of Sheets, the executive will be able to select which one to use for the quotation in question. 

Let's see the following case:

When creating a business opportunity and creating a quotation document:

You will see that there is a field that says Folios. Here you find the Suggest. By clicking on it, the system will give the folio options that correspond to the quote you are making. 

Select the one you want and automatically the folio will be displayed in the Value column. Click OK to continue creating your opportunity.

In the opposite case, in which the selection of folios is not authorized, if there are different folios for the same format, the system will select it giving the following order of priority:

  1. Format
  2. folios Executive
  3. Group
  4. General

Thus, when Clicking on Suggest automatically will show the folio that corresponds to the quote. Finally, click Accept to continue with your opportunity.

You will be able to visualize in the quotation format the folio corresponding to the created quotation.