Help > Reports > Report: Loyalty Rate of Clients

Report: Loyalty Rate of Clients

Mon Jun 13 2022 07:08:27 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

See the continuity of purchase that your clients have.

 Go to Reports > Clientes > Loyalty Rate:

In this report you can see the recurring clients, since it indicates what they purchase month to month, that is to say how continuously the client is buying, shown annually.

A window will appear similar to this one:


To filter the information in this report, use the filters located above the data:

  • Period: Determine the period you want the report to show.
  • Team: By sales force team (System >Catalog >Sales force team.)
  • Executive: By sales force members (System>Catalog>Sales force members.)
  • Year: You can filter by current year or any of the last 6 years.
  • Currency: Shows you the type of currencies you have registered in the system (System > Catalogs > Currencies.)
  • New Parameter: You can create the filter that you need:


  • Client:  Name of the contact
  • Company: It will show the company whenever it is linked or added to the contact.
  • Retention: Shows the measurement of the contact by the amount being sold.
  • Total: This is the total sum of the monthly amounts and the subsequent columns show the amounts according to the selected period.


  • The detail can be exported in CSV, JSON, or MailChimp as just the data on the screen or all of it.


  • The information filtered in this report is not shown in a graph, but is measured through a progress bar.
  • It allows you to enter the customer's data, where you will be able to see all the sales made.