Help > User > How to add documents to my account?

How to add documents to my account?

Mon Jun 13 2022 07:08:27 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

If you have documents that your entire sales team uses, such as a presentation, a product catalog, etc. Add them in the Documents section and the groups you indicate will be able to access this information. All you have to do is:

1.- In the main menu, select Tools > Files and images.

2.- Click on the Add file.

3.-  A window will appear where you will click and select the file. Finally click Accept.

Every time one of your executives needs to see the documents, they will have to go to Tools > Files and images and the list of files to which they have access will appear.

By moving the cursor to the upper right corner of each document, 3 different actions will be available:

  • Edit file name
  • Download 
  • Delete

**Note: The administrator is the only one who can add or delete Documents for company and group level. The manager will be able to add or delete documents for his sales group and the executive will be able to view the list of the documents that his administrator or manager have uploaded and download them.