Upnify CRM


Adicionar uma conta de e-mail - Gmail.

Did you know that you can create an integration with your Gmail and your Upnify CRM? Unify your communications by making this connection in just a few minutes.

Adicionar uma conta de e-mail - Gmail.

Did you know that you can create an integration with your Gmail and your Upnify CRM? Unify your communications by making this connection in just a few minutes.

How to schedule e-mails to my contacts?

Learn how to schedule emails to your contacts and don't miss any follow-ups matter to you.

How to schedule e-mails to my contacts?

Learn how to schedule emails to your contacts and don't miss any follow-ups matter to you.

How to schedule e-mails to my contacts?

Learn how to schedule emails to your contacts and don't miss any follow-ups matter to you.

Mailing Tags

Use Upnify's personalization tags to send emails to all your contacts in seconds, tailored with their personal information.

Upnify Mailbox

From your Upnify mailbox you can check the status of your emails, find out what they are here.