How to apply a Filter?
Mon Jun 13 2022 07:08:27 GMT-0500 (hora estándar oriental)
To apply a Filter, click on the + (add filter) button located in the upper right corner of your database whether it is Prospects, Opportunities, Sales or Clients.
It will display a menu with the following criteria by which you can filter:
Once you have selected the criteria, a second menu will be displayed where you will select the Filter you need.
The data that we can filter in prospects are: |
Discarded by Executive Tags Status (stored, discarded, shared, pending, rejected) Phase (phases of the prospectus) Origin Country Region Date created (date of creation of the contact 'from - to') Last follow-up (today, yesterday, this week, this month, last month, period) Text Gender Job position - Company fields - Personal data - Custom fields |
The data that we can filter in opportunities are: |
Executive Tags Phase (phases of the opportunity) Line Origin Country Region Certainty (less than 33%, between 33% and 66%, greater than 66%, plus customized certainties) Closing date (from - to) creation date (date of creation of the contact 'from - to') Last follow-up (today, yesterday, this week, this month, last month, period) Text Gender Job position Currency (currencies registered, only in the pro and multichannel version) - Company fields - Personal data - Custom fields |
The data that we can filter in clients are: |
Executive Tag Status (filed, discarded, shared, channeled, pending, rejected) Phase (customer phases) Line Origin Country Region Creation (contact creation date 'from - to') Period Last follow-up (today, yesterday, this week, this month, previous month, period) Last purchase (today, yesterday, this week, this month, previous month, period) Text Gender Job position - Company fields - Personal data - Custom fields |
The data that we can filter in sales are: |
Executive Label Line Origin Period Country Region Industry Business group Text Gender Job position Currency (currencies registered, only in the pro and multichannel version) - Company fields - Personal data - Custom fields |