Help > Tag segmentation > How to assign a color to the tags?

How to assign a color to the tags?

Mon Jun 13 2022 07:08:27 GMT-0500 (hora estándar oriental)

Take control of the database by assigning different colors to all the tags you create in Upnify®.

a) When you create your tag from the Tools Menu > Tag Segmentation

b) And add a new one

c) You will have the option to assign a color for easier identification.

And thus take advantage of the benefits of tagging your contacts:

Differentiate each of your segments.

  • Choose the shades that represent each group of prospects and clients.
  • Edit the colors as many times as you need.
  • Filter easily by clicking on each tag.

Automatic Follow-up and Lead Nurturing

  • Use different colors to segment your audiences.
  • Create valuable content and send it in automatic email campaigns for each group.
  • Assign better qualified prospects to your sales force.

Using this feature is very easy! If you still have questions, contact your Upnify® executive and sign up for our online webinars.