SPAM - Marketing Dictionary - Upnify
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In the context of marketing, spam refers to the mass and indiscriminate sending of unsolicited messages to a large number of people, usually via email. These messages often aim to promote products or services and are typically perceived as intrusive and annoying by recipients.

Spam can take various forms, such as unwanted emails, unsolicited text messages, unauthorized social media posts, and unwanted blog comments. Although spam can be a cost-effective and low-cost marketing strategy, it can also damage a brand's reputation and decrease customer trust.

An example of spam in marketing would be a company sending unsolicited emails to a purchased list of email addresses, promoting its products or services without the prior consent of the recipients. These emails are often generic, poorly personalized, and can end up in the recipients' spam folder, reducing the campaign's effectiveness and potentially creating a negative impression of the brand.

To avoid being perceived as spammers, marketing professionals should adopt ethical and respectful practices when sending commercial messages. This includes obtaining prior consent from recipients to send emails, personalizing messages based on customer preferences, and providing clear options for users to opt-out of future communications.

Therefore, although it may be a tempting strategy due to its low cost, spam can damage a brand's reputation and decrease customer trust.

The Marketing Glossary is a compendium of all the most commonly used terminology in sales strategy. Many of the concepts listed here are used when implementing a CRM system or a digital sales funnel, no matter if they are legacy systems or an online CRM. See also our blog that deals with sales techniques, marketing and sales culture.

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