Capitalization ratios - Sales Glossary - Upnify
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Capitalization ratios

The capitalization ratio, also known as capitalization ratio, is a financial measure used to evaluate a company's financial strength and ability to meet its long-term obligations. This ratio is calculated by dividing a company's equity by its total liabilities.

Shareholders' equity represents the funds contributed by shareholders and the company's retained earnings. It is a measure of the owners' investment in the business and acts as a safety cushion to cover possible losses or financial difficulties.

Total liabilities, on the other hand, include all of the company's long-term obligations and debts, such as bank loans, bonds, capital leases and other financial obligations.

A high capitalization ratio indicates that the company has a higher proportion of equity in relation to its total liabilities, which implies a greater ability to meet long-term obligations and greater financial strength. On the other hand, a low capitalization ratio indicates that the company relies heavily on external debt and financing, which may imply greater financial risk and a lower capacity to meet its obligations.

The capitalization ratio is used as an important metric to assess a company's financial health and is especially relevant in industries with high levels of debt, such as the financial sector or real estate. Investors, lenders and financial analysts use this ratio to assess the risk and stability of the company, as well as to compare the financial situation between different companies or over different periods of time.

It is important to keep in mind that the capitalization ratio is not the only measure of a company's financial health, and should be considered in conjunction with other metrics and analysis to get a complete picture of the company's financial condition.

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