Closing Sales - Sales Glossary - Upnify
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Closing Sales

The sales closing is the last step of the sales process, it is the moment when your prospect decides to buy from you and becomes your customer. The moment of closing is not precisely when the payment is made, it is a step before when your prospect tells you that he/she wants to buy your product or service.

In order to reach the closing moment, it is necessary that you have previously made a presentation of your product and have adequately handled your prospect's barriers or objections.

Rushing the closing can cause you to lose that sales opportunity, it is best to follow the entire sales process and get to know your prospect, this will help you identify the right time to close your sale.

The Sales Glossary is a compendium of all the most commonly used terminology in sales strategy. Many of the concepts listed here are used when implementing a CRM system or a digital sales funnel, no matter if they are legacy systems or an online CRM. See also our blog that deals with sales techniques, marketing and sales culture.