Growth rate - Sales Glossary - Upnify
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Growth rate

The growth rate of a company is the rate at which its sales or profits are increasing over a given period of time. It is a measure of how quickly the company is growing and can be expressed as a percentage or as a dollar amount.

There are several different ways to calculate a company's growth rate, depending on the metric being used. For example:

  • Sales growth rate: This is the percentage change in a company's sales over a given period of time. It is calculated by taking the difference between the current period's sales and the same period in the previous year, and dividing that number by the previous year's sales.
  • Profit growth rate: This is the percentage change in a company's profits over a given period of time. It is calculated by taking the difference between the current period's profits and the same period in the previous year, and dividing that number by the previous year's profits.
  • Revenue growth rate: This is the percentage change in a company's revenue over a given period of time. It is calculated by taking the difference between the current period's revenue and the same period in the previous year, and dividing that number by the previous year's revenue.

Growth rate is an important metric for investors, as it can provide insight into the health and potential of a company. A high growth rate can indicate that a company is experiencing strong demand for its products or services and is well-positioned for future success. On the other hand, a low or negative growth rate can signal that the company is facing challenges and may not be performing as well as its competitors.

The Sales Glossary is a compendium of all the most commonly used terminology in sales strategy. Many of the concepts listed here are used when implementing a CRM system or a digital sales funnel, no matter if they are legacy systems or an online CRM. See also our blog that deals with sales techniques, marketing and sales culture.