Prospect in the sales funnel - Sales Glossary - Upnify
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Prospect in the sales funnel

This is when you have the most information about the users and proceed to analyze and filter it. This filter is necessary to be able to identify the users in whom it is reasonable to invest time and effort, and to discard or leave aside those who are not interested in your product or service.

In other words, it is when a user comes into contact with a product or service for the first time, since they have a pain or are looking to satisfy a need and have awakened their interest in a specific brand that provides a solution.

The Sales Glossary is a compendium of all the most commonly used terminology in sales strategy. Many of the concepts listed here are used when implementing a CRM system or a digital sales funnel, no matter if they are legacy systems or an online CRM. See also our blog that deals with sales techniques, marketing and sales culture.