10 Tips to Start Increasing your Brand Presence
The global economic crisis has made it so, as Einstein pointed out some years ago, that we sharpen our wits, bring out our inventiveness and "the pituitary" when it comes to sniffing out a new idea, business, discovery, or strategy that can be synonymous with success.
If we surf the Internet a little, we realize that practically all kinds of products and services focused in this sector are already in place: entrepreneurship. Large companies have turned to this segment and we find endless news about many of them that give awards, finance, organize workshops, train, connect with investors, and many other services.
Public Relations, the pending subject of SMEs and entrepreneurs.
In the century of digitalization and global information control, public relations, marketing, and communication is still a pending subject for startups. SMEs and entrepreneurs who prefer to prioritize the definition of their services and products and leave aside the dissemination of what they do. This question should always be asked: why do you invest so much time and effort in the design of a product if nobody is going to find out about it?
There are different ways to be visible to your public and spread the word about your products. In this article we give you a series of tips on how your company or brand can achieve media presence.

- First of all you have to dedicate time to perform this function and if you do not have it you can always turn to a company specialized in these types of services that can give you a hand taking into account your budget to have brand presence.
- Design communication materials that offer information of interest to journalists. They should have information about your company and also contain relevant economic data, such as the investment that has been made, the previous year's turnover (if any), whether or not you have had funding and help from a Business Angel or any other data that may be interesting. Try to make them 2.0, containing text, images, videos and if they also have audio podcast would be much better.
- A picture is worth a thousand words. Especially for print media, image quality is critical. Invest time, effort, and a little budget in taking care of these details. Graphic material is in many cases relevant when publishing information. If you can also create some kind of audiovisual material in video news format, it can be susceptible to be published in "on" media.
- Select your target media depending on your editorial content. To talk to the media you have to know them. Know in which sections your content "fits" and above all do not send a journalist content that does not interest them because they may send you to the Spam folder.
- Offer one-to-one content. Analyze the content you have, create a battery of topics, and offer them exclusively to the media. If it is relevant content that interests your audience, you have a much better chance that they will buy the information from you and that the quality of the information will be much higher.
- Use "current news hangers to sell your content". The so-called Dayketing is now a good marketing tool to do it, taking advantage of daily events such as holidays or celebrations of special days, Christmas, or vacations that will be talked about in the media. With this you guarantee the brand presence.
- Generate a good relationship of trust. Professional relationship with the journalist. Never leave a media outlet with an unfinished business that has already been bought or mislead a media outlet. They will publish you once but will never do it again. Remember that generating a transparent and professional relationship with a media/journalist is fundamental for your image and the image of your company.
- Write impactful subjects in your e-mails that interest your interlocutor. Keep in mind that a journalist receives hundreds of emails in his inbox with proposals for informative content and has to select between your information and that of your competitors. If this information interests him from the beginning, he will surely contact you.
- Take care of the frequency of follow-up calls and think beforehand about how you are going to sell the topic to the media. Just like e-mails, the media receive endless follow-up calls for information sent. They don't like it very much because it takes up a lot of their time and is an added effort. Think about the best time to call them (never call a newspaper at closing time or a television station in the middle of a news broadcast) and make a sales pitch in which you clearly and concisely state the key messages that will get the journalist interested in your information.
- Remember that public relations actions have to be recurrent. Create news on a regular basis and try to implement it in your company's DNA. Surely there is a lot of news that arise in the day to day that can be of high interest, you just have to be attentive and shape them.
"Think that an isolated action can be, as the saying goes, "bread for today and hunger for tomorrow".
In this way, the effort you have made in starting to enhance brand presence must have continuity to start reaping the rewards.

By Unify Editorial Team:
The SalesUp! Editorial Team is made up of professionals and experts in Marketing, Sales, Communication, Design and other areas. They share their experience through articles enriching the commercial culture.