7 tips to know your customers needs
We know that your customers are the most important thing for your company and that is why we want to help you to better understand their needs, that is why here are some tips that will be very helpful when identifying the needs of your customers. It is very important that you follow each one of them; not doing it correctly could lead you to lose the effort you have invested or to not receive the information you need.
To know the needs of your customers, the ideal is to do it through a talk or interview; either in person or by phone; we recommend you read our previous article to succeed in the market through this method.
Establish trust with your client

This is a brief but vitally important phase, your clients answers will be more honest if you have earned their trust, and it will also help your client feel comfortable with your questions. You can start by asking them how their day has been, this gives a very good first impression, and make them feel comfortable and confident.
Set the rules of the game
To establish greater trust with your client he must be clear about the rules of the game, be direct with him and tell him that this information will help your business to improve and adapt to his needs; tell him that you will make responsible use of his answers and will not divulge them.
It couldn't be more crystal clear
Start with general questions and little by little ask more specific questions, this is necessary to make your client feel comfortable, if by this time you have gained their trust and have handled this point well, they will be more likely to answer you when you get to the deeper or more delicate questions.
Más claro que el agua
When your client has agreed to talk to you about his needs, he has given you a very valuable opportunity to improve your company, so you should not waste it with confusing questions that your client cannot answer and that may cause him to end the interview prematurely. Verify beforehand that your questions are clear and that they convey the idea you have in mind, this will greatly improve your results.
Ask open-ended questions
Although it is an important opportunity for you, if you pressure your interviewee to answer you will not receive useful information and you can damage your relationship with your client, so you should be very attentive to your client and only ask questions as far as he/she wants to answer.
No pressure, no crossing the line
Although it is an important opportunity for you, if you pressure your interviewee to answer you will not receive useful information and you can damage your relationship with your client, so you should be very attentive to your client and only ask questions as far as he/she wants to answer.
Take notes

Don't rely on your memory, at the time of the interview you will have many things to be aware of at the same time, so if you can save effort by planning an easy way to record your client's answers all the better.
Some of my recommendations are to prepare a tape recorder. Always with your clients permission; or you can ask for someone elses help to write down the answers or as a last resort do it yourself with pre-designed interview formats.
Remember that this technique is a skill that you must practice, do not get discouraged if you do not get the information you expect in the first interviews, remember that practice makes perfect, with time you will find the way to detect the right questions, the moments in which to intervene and the way to do it, at the end you will have a clearer picture of the needs of your customers and how you can compensate them.