What´s the deal with algorithms on social networks
1.Facebook: the power of relevance
Facebook uses an algorithm called EdgeRank to decide what content is shown to users in their news feeds. EdgeRank considers several factors, such as the relevance of the topic to the user. It also takes into account how much interaction the user has had with the content creator in the past, and the recent popularity of the post. As a business, it is essential to create relevant and appealing projects for your target audience. This involves understanding your audience, researching what type of content they are interested in, and generating posts that generate interaction and engagement.
2. Instagram: focus on engagement
Instagram uses an engagement-based algorithm to display content to users in their feeds. The algorithm considers factors such as likes, comments, how many times a post is saved, and how long users spend viewing a particular post.
To improve your Instagram marketing strategy, it is essential to create visually appealing content and generate interaction with your audience. Encouraging engagement through questions, challenges or contests can be an effective way to increase your posts' visibility.
3. Twitter: real-time and relevance
Twitter uses an algorithm called "Top Tweets First" to display content to users on their timelines. While initially displaying tweets in chronological order, the algorithm now prioritizes the tweets it deems most relevant to the user. This is based on factors such as the user's previous interactions with specific accounts and the tweets that have had the most engagement. To make the most of Twitter's algorithm, it is key to create engaging content, use appropriate hashtags and engage in conversations that are popular and relevant to your audience.
4. LinkedIn's professional relevance
LinkedIn uses an algorithm based on professional relevance to display content for users in their feeds. This algorithm considers factors such as the user's industry, job title, and professional connections to determine what content is most relevant to them.
As a business, your content needs to fit the platform's professional nature and connect with your target audience. Sharing relevant articles, posting informative status updates, and participating in professional groups are effective strategies to increase your LinkedIn visibility.
5. YouTube: focus on engagement and retention
YouTube uses an algorithm that, like other networks, considers viewer engagement and retention to determine which videos are shown to users. The algorithm analyses factors such as the time users spend watching a video, likes, comments, and subscriptions generated by a particular video. To succeed on YouTube, it is crucial to create quality content that keeps viewers engaged and entertained. In addition, optimizing your videos with descriptive titles, relevant tags, and attractive thumbnails can increase their visibility on the platform.
Each platform has its own algorithm, but content relevance, engagement, and interaction are key factors on all platforms. By creating quality content, engaging with your audience, and adapting to the unique characteristics of each platform, you can take full advantage of the algorithms. This will enable you to achieve greater visibility and success in your social media marketing strategies.