What you need to know about sales success - Upnify
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 success in sales

10 key aspects that will help you succeed in sales

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

Sales | 19 de julio, 2023

Business leaders of small, medium, or large companies and independents or retailers alike are concerned about how to achieve sales success.

Today, sales success is in an environment where consumers of products or services find many options or brands that offer solutions to their needs. These brands offer solutions to the highest bidder. This is in different ways: with price, promotion and competitive advantages, etc. Is becoming more and more difficult.


What company or person is not interested in sales success?

As the world becomes more complex, e.g., for impulse purchasing and sales, every likely buyer who used to do it on impulse now analyzes, compares, and objects before opening the fridge to drink.

To succeed in sales, it is urgent and necessary to understand consumer trends. 

We need to develop creative ways and creative strategies that motivate consumers to prefer us over any competitor, even in necessities.

To be successful in sales we must always make sure that we are the best option for the buyer regardless of the business or company's line



The truth is that you have to devise extraordinary strategies to succeed in sales. In addition, it is necessary to understand some factors such as the time frame, the environment and even the psychology of the consumer. This is in order to make strategic planning that will lead us to sales success.

Now, I said that this is the general context. If we place ourselves in the context of the individual, i.e., a person as a business unit. I ask ourselves what characteristics a successful salesperson has? Throughout my more than 28 years of experience, I have had the opportunity to identify some characteristic traits in people who have always been excellent at sales. Below I share 10 aspects that will help you succeed.


10 things to consider to succeed in sales

  1. They like sales
  2. They know their product or service better than anyone else, they are honest, and they do not oversell.
  3. They are organized (although there is a myth that they are the opposite, I have always seen a plan, an agenda, punctuality, formality, seriousness, etc.).
  4. They have clear, challenging and specific goals. They make a plan to achieve them.
  5. They prospect all the time (wherever and whenever they are, they always look for the moment and the opportunity).
  6. The self-motivated maintain a level of motivation based on their goals or desires.
  7. They are innovative, creative, daring, and risk-takers.
  8. They probe to discover needs, they are empathic.
  9. They sell benefits, not products and/or services.
  10. They are willing to sacrifice their time to serve others.


And I am sure I am missing many more traits to mention, those who are successful in sales, are undoubtedly for me extraordinary people who not only go out to meet their sales quota to stay in a company, but who go out determined to achieve what they long for, their welfare, that of their families, and that of their potential customers.

Although they seem like superheroes, no sacrifice, obstacle, frustration or discomfort when things don't work well, they are human beings. They always reinvent themselves and come back with renewed energy to launch themselves not only for success in sales, but in life itself.

To conclude, are we willing to invest and pay for sales success?

I think it is worth a try. Even better would be if sales increased.

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