Social network bring to SMEs with Upnify - Upnify
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social networks

Benefits that social network bring to SMEs

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

CRM Sales Upnify CRM | 18 de abril, 2022

At present, social networks are used by millions of people around the world on a daily routine, which means that, through them, it is possible to reach a greater flow of customers and achieve the brand exposition that every businessman desires.

Social networks have become an indispensable tool when establishing marketing strategies and business plans in companies, as we know that these platforms are currently used daily by millions and millions of people around the world, this means that, through them, it is possible to capture a greater flow of customers and achieve the brand exposure that every businessman desires.

There are many benefits that social networks can bring to companies, especially to small and medium-sized companies, i.e., SMEs, because the momentum generated by these media is extremely powerful, with which the target audience can discover and support those small businesses that are committed to offering quality products and services with the best willingness.

Although there are thousands of social networks on the Internet, it is not necessary to create commercial profiles in all of them to make a business known, since a good digital strategy is based on selecting those media that are more related to the characteristics of the business and with which the best results are obtained. That is, you should only focus on the networks that you feel you can take advantage of 100% and that go according to the products and services you offer, also taking into account the use given by users and their preferences.

  1. The networks are an effective sales channel

In view of how popular social networks have become, it is not surprising that they are used to take advantage of this, and one of the ways to do this is to implement them as an alternative channel for sales, because through them you can display your products, give advice and recommendations on topics related to your brand, conduct surveys and above all interact with users, which in addition to increasing the likelihood of sale creates customer loyalty.

Although these platforms are not intended to be direct sales channels, they can help you expose your brand both nationally and internationally.

  1. They contribute to the creation of the SME's brand and image.

The use of social networks can help you develop the branding of your SME, allowing you to form a community based on your commercial brand. Many users, before making their purchase decision, search for information and research a little about the brand of the product or service they plan to buy, know what are its features and the opinions that the public has about it and based on this determine whether it is convenient for them to make the purchase or not.

All this is achieved through image building and brand recognition and this is where social networks come into play, since through their platforms you can increase the exposure of your business and improve the recognition and credibility of your brand among customers.

However, you must ensure that your social media strategy is in line with your communication strategy, as everything must work together to avoid causing confusion among the public. Keep in mind that the creation of a brand image is not only focused on opening a profile on social networks, but go beyond, establish a website, offer valuable content, have a contact email for customer service, have payment options on the internet among other aspects. So that users can have a complete picture of your company.

  1. Improve customer service

Today's buyers are characterized by looking for quick and direct answers that can solve their doubts and concerns efficiently and a mechanism that manages to satisfy such requirements are social networks, since on their platforms users can interact and perform their searches easily and when they want to know something about a business simply leave a comment with their query, the faster it is answered the more chances the business has to win the customer.

These channels are great for generating direct communication between the consumer and the company, something that did not happen a few years ago, when to be attended the person needed to have a contact phone number to call the company and ask their questions and often had to wait a long time to receive a response.

  1. Contributes to strengthen SEO positioning

At first you may not notice how social networks can help the SEO positioning of your company's website, because apparently there is no connection between the two. However, it is a fact that these digital marketing strategies can work together.

What happens is that social media platforms are very powerful tools for the distribution and promotion of your page's content. That is, if you share content from your website or online store on your social accounts, there is a very high probability of reaching more users, who may be interested in your articles and go to your website looking for more content, which would improve the metrics related to your website, getting it positioned in search engines.

  1. Require little investment

Another great advantage of social networks is that you do not need to pay anything to access them and create a profile, as they are completely free. However, to promote your exposure quickly and effectively, it is necessary to invest a little money in advertising campaigns that help you reach your target audience.

This type of strategy allows you to measure results in real time at a lower cost than implementing conventional advertising. By promoting your brand on social networks, you increase the chances of success, because if you manage to make an impact with your content you will get the support of many users who could become regular customers.

  1. Promote the dissemination of your content

One of the smartest strategies to apply when it comes to get customers is to offer valuable content that the user can take advantage of in some situation; no matter if your company is dedicated to the sale of motorcycles, cosmetics, hotels, travel agencies, food or online credit, what is really important is the contribution you can provide to your followers, either by sharing tutorials, tips, interesting information, videos or any other content you can think of, in this way you will get reciprocity, which translates into new customers.

And the wonderful thing about social networks is that they can spread your content to a much larger audience that could be interested in your brand. So, don't waste any more time and start implementing this strategy, talk to your followers about what you offer, give them reasons to believe that it is worth betting on your brand and don't forget to share valuable content, because the idea is not to saturate them with information about your products, but to create a balance.   

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