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Business challenges

Business challenges in a VUCA world

Angélica Frías Por Angélica Frías

Technology | 13 de junio, 2023

Discover how to deal with the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of todays environment. Start your digital transformation by establishing innovation strategies, allocating budget and testing key technologies. Adopt technologies to improve efficiency and compete in a globalized marketplace. Overcome challenges and turn them into opportunities for growth and business success.

Business challenges in a VUCA world: how to survive and thrive with technology?

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First, let's start by defining what a VUCA environment is. The term emerged in the 1990s and was first used by the U.S. Army War College to describe the environment in which the military operated after the Cold War. It refers to the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity that characterize today's world.

This concept has been extended to the business environment to describe the constant challenges and changes faced by organizations, where change is the only constant. It is like driving on a road with new bridges, forced detours and unexpected obstacles, with no clear lines marking the way to the destination. For entrepreneurs and managers, the VUCA world represents a highly challenging environment.


Let's talk about the main challenges that companies need to address


Incorporating technology: The drive towards digital adoption 

Technology adoption is crucial to overcome the challenges of the VUCA environment. We must take advantage of the technological tools available to improve the efficiency, productivity and competitiveness of our companies.

Implementing systems such as ChatGPT for internal communication, CRM strategies for customer management and "API-ified" ERP systems are examples of how technology can empower our operations and help us excel in a challenging environment.


Understaffing and High Turnover: Retaining and Attracting Talent

These are common challenges in today's business environment. It is essential to create a collaborative work culture that motivates and retains employees by offering challenge, recognition and work flexibility. 

In addition, effective recruitment and selection of the right talent is critical to ensure the continuity and success of our operations. Successful organizations today are characterized by people who "wear the shirt".


Increased international competition: Standing out in a globalized marketplace

In an increasingly connected world, we compete not only locally, but also internationally. To survive and thrive, we must pursue excellence in our digital competitiveness, developing innovation strategies and improving our products and services. Adopting disruptive technologies and focusing on research and development will enable us to stand out in the global marketplace and gain a competitive advantage.


Customers demanding speed. The importance of "Service Agile Always" (S.A.A.)

Today, speed and immediacy are essential, where customer service, sales and after-sales service play a fundamental role. Today's customers demand fast responses and effective solutions. Technologies such as chatbots, CRM software, artificial intelligence and data analytics need to be implemented to streamline customer service and deliver an exceptional experience. The ability to respond quickly to customer requests can make the difference between retaining customers or losing them to the competition.

In conclusion, meeting business challenges in a VUCA environment requires a combination of agility, adaptability and the strategic incorporation of technology. But how can you get started in your company? What actions should you take to achieve a constant incorporation of technology?


First steps to achieve digital transformation

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First of all, it is advisable to establish a Tactical Innovation Unit. Depending on your company's budget, you can hire an interdisciplinary team or, if you are an SME like most, you can work with existing staff. Select one person from each department and allocate 1 to 2 hours a week for them to work together. You'll be amazed at the results they can achieve.

Second, allocate a specific budget for technology acquisition. This will demonstrate a real commitment from management and allow for the necessary investments to drive the digital transformation.

Third, use the chart attached in the article to select a few technologies and start testing them. You may try 10 technologies and find that 8 are not suitable, but the 2 that you successfully implement can make a difference in your organization.

By recognizing the changing nature of the business environment, adopting an innovative mindset and taking advantage of technological opportunities, companies can survive and thrive in this challenging environment. It's time to embrace change and transform challenges into opportunities for growth and business success.


Technology Chart


Problem you will solve:



Inefficient management of customer information. Enables effective centralization and organization of all customer data and interactions. Facilitates sales and marketing process automation, improves communication and customer service.

CRM (Customer Relationship Management System)


Lack of organization and follow-up in projects. Facilitates task assignment, fosters team collaboration and provides effective control of project progress, improving efficiency.

Project Management Platform


Fragmented communication and lack of collaboration. These tools, such as instant messaging applications, video conferencing and real-time collaboration tools, enable smooth and effective communication.

Communication and Collaboration Tools


Lack of actionable information and knowledge for business decision making. Through the use of data analysis tools and techniques, large volumes of information are collected, processed and visualized in order to obtain relevant insights and patterns.

Human Resources (HR) Software


Manual and repetitive marketing tasks. Automate activities such as sending segmented mailings and managing social networks, saving time and improving the efficiency of marketing strategies.

Data Analytics

Google Analytics y Microsoft Power BI

Manual and repetitive marketing tasks. It automates activities such as sending segmented emails and managing social networks, saving time and improving the efficiency of marketing strategies.

Marketing Automation


Lack of efficiency and visibility in business processes. Allows modeling, automating and optimizing business processes, improving efficiency, quality and visibility of operations.

BPM (Business Process Management Software)

Kissflow y Bonita BPM

Inefficient supplier management. Simplifies the process of selecting, contracting and monitoring the delivery of products or services, ensuring a solid and efficient relationship with suppliers.

Supplier Management

Coupa, Oracle NetSuite, Procurify

Creation and management of online stores. They enable companies to sell products and services effectively in the digital environment, facilitating transactions, inventory management and customer interaction.

E-commerce platforms

Shopify y Magento

The need to streamline business processes and improve efficiency. They use artificial intelligence and automation to perform repetitive and routine tasks in an automated manner, reducing time and human error, increasing productivity.

AI and Process Automation Tools (RPA)

Chat GPT, UiPath, Automation Anywhere, IBM Watson.

Create and edit visual elements professionally and effectively. It provides specific tools and functions for the creation of logos, illustrations, advertising designs, images for social networks, among others.

Graphic design software

Adobe Creative Cloud y Canva

Integration and automation of tasks between different applications and platforms. It allows to efficiently connect and synchronize data and actions between different tools, eliminating the need to perform manual and repetitive tasks.

Connectors between different systems through API


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