Create your Digital Sales Folder with Upnify - Upnify
Upnify CRM

Create your Digital Sales Folder with Upnify

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

CRM | 13 de julio, 2021

Given the competition that exists today, it is necessary to differentiate yourself from the rest of the competitors, in sales it is essential to improve the image of your company when visiting your prospects or customers.
It is necessary to provide salespeople with tools that facilitate their work and thus generate more sales.
Companies regularly provide salespeople with a sales folder, which is very useful, but has some limitations. Suppose an executive has an appointment with a prospect in 15 minutes and realizes that he does not have his folder with him, this generates a negative impression of the company and of himself as a salesperson.
Make sure that this type of situation does not happen to your sales team. Upnify gives you the ability to share digital files through a document repository or sales folder that are available at all times for users of your sales team.
In this folder you can upload quote forms, brochures, welcome letters, letterheads, business cards, contracts, etc. This way the salesperson has a digital sales folder and can download the file they need for their appointment from anywhere that has internet access.


A digital sales folder provides a professional image to your salespeople.


To create your digital sales folder go to Tools from your menu and select Files and Images, there you will be able to add and download all the files you require.
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Upnify Sales Folder is a good option to share internal documents with your sales team. Remember that it is management's responsibility to provide the files to salespeople and keep them updated.


Make your salespeople more efficient and improve their professional image through a system that minimizes the margin of error and allows them to have the information they need at any time and place to achieve higher sales.




By Unify Editorial Team:
The SalesUp! Editorial Team is made up of professionals and experts in Marketing, Sales, Communication, Design and other areas. They share their experience through articles enriching the commercial culture.

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