How can you increase sales? Sales Tracking, your Best Ally
Throughout our experience, we have detected that there are three fundamental points that every salesperson should include in their sales process to increase sales:
1. Speed of response
If you want to learn more about the speed factor, check out our article Speed: the perfect weapon to increase your sales, or download our e-book Speed equals sales.
Increase your speed
Contacting a potential customer within 5 minutes of receiving their data increases the probability of closing the sale by up to 67%. While doing it after 5 minutes, decreases the probability up to 10 times!
2. Training and updating on best sales practices
Increase your salespeople's skills by 85%.
85% of salespeople have no sales skills. What little they sell they attribute to luck or lack of it.
3. Timely follow-up
Increase your business opportunities by 45%.
45% of business opportunities are lost because salespeople do not contact their prospects (poor follow-up).
This time we will focus on sales follow-up, because implementing it in your commercial process will boost your sales faster than you can imagine.
Suppose that at this moment you are interested in buying a product, let's say you want to change the curtains in your house, you receive the information in detail, it seems very attractive and fits your budget. All the conditions are presented for you to make the purchase but you are so busy that you say "I'll buy them tomorrow". The reality is that tomorrow doesn't come until days, weeks or even months later, that is, when you remember that at some point you were interested in making the change and by then you probably no longer have the same interest or there are things that are more attractive to you.
This would mean the loss of a sale for the curtains company because although you were ready to buy, the lack of time or attention at the time generated that the sale fell.
Now imagine that the next day, you receive a call from the salesperson who sent you the information asking you if you have any questions about the curtains. This would be a reminder for you not to overlook that interest you have.
It is a reality that in the day to day, with the amount of activities we have to carry out, in many occasions we forget to do or buy things in which we are even very interested in, has it happened to you?
Consider that the same thing happens with your customers, it may be that they are very interested in hiring you, your prices fit their budget but the lack of time and attention keep them away from the purchase. As a salesperson it is your responsibility to close that sale, it is practically already done, you just need to have patience and persistence in your sales follow-up.
"To close a sale requires approximately 5 effective contacts".
It is estimated that to close a sale requires approximately 5 effective contacts (mail, call or personal) and unfortunately the average salesperson does not achieve more than 2. There can be several factors, among the most common ones:
They feel they are harassing the prospect with so many calls.
They don't have a CRM to help them systematize, automate and control follow-ups.
They are embarrassed to be persistent with the follow-up of the sale.
They have not seen the true potential of following up on sales opportunities.
It is not part of their sales process.
If you feel identified with any of the above, we have good news for you, whatever the reason is, there is still time to correct it. Incorporate this practice to your sales process and we are sure you will get great results.
That's why we can tell you with certainty that follow-up is your best ally in sales.