Leadership as the equivalent of success
Leadership is a process that evolves as a relationship between a person and the remaining of the team who are his followers. The first influences the behavior of people to lead them in a certain direction through non-coercive methods. Effective leadership guides people's behavior towards the achievement of results that satisfy both the needs of the group or organization, as well as the needs of people as individuals.
Leader characteristics
You must have the skills and the attitude.
It requires the support of its followers.
It is one who has the power to motivate a group of people to achieve a goal or objective.
It is a person who directs or founds, creates, or joins a group, manages, takes the initiative, promotes, motivates, summons, encourages, and evaluates a group, whether in the business, military, industrial, political, educational context, etc., although it can apply in any context of social interaction.
He is responsible for the achievement of the objectives in an effective and fast way.
It is not one-sided. It has a function within the organization, community or society that stands out for its relevance and influence. And the leader prosecutes him.
A good leader will have the ability to establish good communication and improve the way the team members interact with each other, so everybody achieves a common goal.
"The crowd alone never gets anywhere if it doesn't have a leader to guide it." Hermann Keyserling.
In today’s fast-paced environment, to achieve the objectives along with a stelar performance, it is very important to develop the team in the following skills:
This concept refers to the attitude that leaders must anticipate possible outcomes or events. It is all about analyzing before acting.
Proactivity must meet several outcomes:
- Promote to the highest level possible any new ideas and generate foresight if there will be any changes in the future.
- Investigate the unknown or matters of interest to search for opportunities
- Encourage creativity and confidence in the leader and his team.
- Craft new hypothesis or visualizations that improve the analysis of future events.
- Participate and learn how to take advantage of new information technologies
Time management
It is the ability or skill to make the use of this invaluable resource to serve our own benefit and that of our social environment.
Importance of time management:
- Managing time properly is one of the characteristics of a productive worker.
- The ability to manage employee time is the benchmark for employee performance and results.
- Time is a unique resource that must be appreciated and valued as such. Time is not saved, it just passes. It does not go back, and it is also impossible to recover.
- In the economic sphere, the loss of time is linked to poor management and the loss of money.
- From a managerial point of view, a good organization of time must be subject to a good coordination of the company's personnel.
- It is necessary to take advantage of the individual qualities of the employees, to ensure that tasks are not repeated creating toxic redundancy, that there is good communication between the different departments within the company.
- The goal is to properly organize and perform tasks within that time.
- It is necessary to plan the distribution of time in the different tasks or actions to be carried out efficiently.
Steps for time management:
Set goals and objectives
- Identify key priorities
- Take full advantage of common tools such as: the use of annotations and / or the use of an agenda
- Be aware of the work cycle and adapt the planning process based on the given time
- Establish effective strategies for the achievement of objectives
There is no template to manage time perfectly, everyone does it in a different and personalized way, neither better nor worse, simply different.
One thing is certain, that today there are tools that enrich and strengthen time management and promote proactivity in work teams, but good leadership is the key and the ideal component for the achievement of objectives and the success of companies.