The pincer technique - Upnify
Upnify CRM

Stop losing sales with the pincer technique

Angélica Frías Por Angélica Frías

Sales | 17 de noviembre, 2021

As a company you might not have the right follow-up, causing stagnation and a drop in your sales. Are you willing to continue losing money by not following up your customers effectively? If your answer is \NO\, do not hesitate to apply this great technique.

So you and your team have sent out all your pending quotations?

Totally sure?

Get to know the pincer technique. It is a simple and easy but very powerful technique with which you will be able to give a punctual follow-up to each one of your opportunities and prospects.

Have you not found that your company does not follow up your sales efficiently?

In sales, contact is paramount. It is like in American football. If a player does not want to make contact with others, he practically could not be in the game. Thus in companies, especially in the management of sales, it is necessary to make at least five effective contacts to close a sale, and when going through a crisis, almost twice as much follow-up is needed.

Follow-up is one of the fundamental parts of the sales process. Basically, the salesperson should not leave the prospect alone, but should provide him with the appropriate information, by providing quality of service and making a buyer decision will be easier.

Any action that contributes to achieve the sale can be considered a follow-up. From contacting your prospect by WhatsApp, making a call, sending an email or having an appointment with him to clarify all his doubts, but what happens when we think we are not doing it correctly?

When we don't follow up properly... our sales fly away.

How to win sales where others are losing them? With this technique is possible.

In this article we will show you the steps to implement this simple but powerful technique.

1st stage

  • Describe for yourself what you talked about with your prospect on their first contact.

For example, let's say you're a real estate salesperson, to follow up on Upnify, you can write something like, "This is a young couple expecting a baby and already has Infonavit points to purchase a home. She wants to visit us next Tuesday."

The more specific and thorough you are, the better this technique will work.


2nd stage

  • When you tell a description of what you discussed with your prospect, schedule an upcoming follow-up.

For example, add a reminder: "Keep my 11 am appointment.

Keeping track of your prospect's follow-ups will help you provide more personalized attention.


3rd step

  • Now, make contact.

There are several means at your disposal, such as WhatsApp, email, calls, personal appointments and it is necessary to be as professional as possible to increase your chances of selling.

For example, send a WhatsApp: "Carlos, it was a pleasure to talk to you and know that you already have all the Infonavit points. See you next Tuesday at 3:00 pm? Is that okay with you? “Always be grateful

I insist, do not lose contact, follow-up is a key element for you to know what the next step is with your clients. Today more than ever it is time that every opportunity that knocks on your door, you give it a professional treatment and, above all, with the speed it requires!

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