Advantages and disadvantages of the digital environment - Upnify
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The advantages and disadvantages of the digital environment

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

Marketing Sales | 17 de noviembre, 2021

Before explaining the benefit that the digital change brought, we will share some important data that must be taken into account when selling.

Even though Mexican e-commerce was growing more than other sectors before the beginning of the COVID-19 time, this trend intensified in light of the pandemic. According to data published indicated that in June 2020, e-commerce emerged a rate of 500% sales revenue, between March and April of the same year.

Nowadays, we are having a routine life and most of us are transforming it into sedentary and monotonous lives. What happen when we get out of our comfort zone, by changing the tasks of our daily life? Sometimes we cannot handle a change with ease, or even worse if we are forced to change our life without previous notice.

What is happening in the digital world?

Social networks have undergone many changes, we used to use social networks to get in contact with friends and family or simply to have a good time after a long workday, it was our moment of entertain ourselves at the end of a heavy day, taking away of the reality. But not everything was entertainment, we also used some tools or apps to make our work easier and we cannot let mention online shopping, we used to do it, but carefully and we wanted to make sure of the website where our money was received and was reliable and we did not end up scammed.

The digital environment and the pandemic

Let's talk about the current situation in terms of the digital environment. the pandemic drove the development of new digital ventures, communication is faster and users are not willing to wait at long waiting times, now they demand quick response, they are no longer scared of online shopping, just googling the stores most visited or in trend to click and make the purchase. Just by googling which are the most visited stores and which products are in trend to click and start shopping.

At the beginning, it seems to be a sudden change, but at the end it turns out to be new engines that raised digital commerce, implementing new practices to offer quick response and be able to supply and cover larger markets.

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How has this change benefited companies?

We might think that there is no benefit, without restructuring and adaptability to the digital environment. Before explaining the benefit that this change brought, I will share the following important data.

According to a survey carried out in Mexico in January 2021, more than a third (34%) of the internet users interviewed who bought a product online in the country, resided in Mexico City, while only 8% of Mexican digital buyers were in the Pacific zone. In 2019, the majority of Mexican e-commerce revenue came from purchases made from desktop computers.

In 2020, it was estimated that more than 39% of the Mexican population purchased goods or services online. Only three years earlier, in 2017, the percentage of digital buyers did not exceed 30%. This upward trend is expected to continue in the coming years, touching 58% penetration in 2025.

As you noticed, e-commerce has been promoted in a relevant way in recent years, which has generated the demand for many products and services, where the benefits have come to companies that innovated and went hand in hand with technology. They had to adapt their digital processes or add new tools to their work list.

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