The success key to selling to big companies
If you are in the commercial area and your main market is large companies, you will most likely face extremely busy decision-makers.
In the past, it was thought that the best salesperson was the one who mastered the ´sales closing techniques´, in other words, could get the customer to buy through a variety of tools, even to the point of manipulation.
Today this has changed drastically, since achieving sales through manipulation brings short-term results, on the other hand:
If the sale is established as a long-lasting win-win relationship it will allow the buyer and seller's business to grow together.
The expert salesperson
I recently read the book ´Selling to Big Companies´ by Jill Konrath, which explains the difference between selling to SMEs and selling to large corporations; based on the above book and my sales experience I concluded that what makes the difference when closing large deals is the salesperson's extensive commercial and industry experience.
Salespeople with expert approaches are the ones who can service and attract corporate accounts. Here is the difference between the traditional salesperson and the modern salesperson:
Actions that generate impact in your sales to large companies.
To generate impact and achieve sales to large companies, consider these key elements in the sales presentation you make to large companies so that you can differentiate yourself from your competition.
Specialization is key
Perform an in-depth analysis of the industry and your prospect. Decision-makers want experts around them, people they can learn from and who can help them achieve their goals. The last thing they want is to waste their time with people who have no idea of the challenges facing their industry and the marketplace.
Personalize your communications
Every contact, every sales presentation, every quote you make, complete it with statistics and information relevant to your prospect.
You can be the key
Today´s products and services have similar features and benefits, but people cannot be cloned. This puts you at an advantage because if someone detects that you are an expert on the subject and you bring value to their company, you will guarantee that your prospect will want to work with you. Therefore: study and train yourself continuously to close sales to large corporations.
As Jill Konrath says: ´The best salespeople are constantly thinking about how to help their client’s business´, not how to sell to them.
Selling to large corporations is not impossible, nor is it a matter of luck. Most opportunities depend on the salesperson.
Success in your selling to big companies!