Help > Catalogs > Phases and objectives

Phases and objectives

Mon Jun 13 2022 07:08:27 GMT-0500 (hora estándar oriental)

When configuring the phases of leads, opportunities or sales it is possible to add a distinctive color, a description and an objective to each phase.


With this, managers can indicate to their executives what actions they need to achieve in order to move the contact to the next phase.


This can be done by following the path System > Catalogs > Phases:

A screen similar to the following will appear: 

In this case, it is illustrated that the Phases of the Prospect starts by being a new Prospect, then becomes a Contacted and then the Quotation is generated.

  •   It is important to take into account that the phases have an order according to the progress of each negotiation.

Upnify has some default Phases, however, you can customize them according to your needs.


  •   In the entity field (top right) you can filter any of the three phases (prospects, opportunities, customers) for their corresponding configuration.

To add a phase click on the +Add button:


  • Phase: Name given to the contact's progress process.
  • Objective: Action to be performed that will allow a contact to change phase.
  • Description: Details and explains the objective of the phase.
  • Color: You can choose from the range of colors to identify each phase.

NOTE: You can place emoticons in the objective and description! 

  From the main contact list it will be displayed as follows:

Where the description is only displayed when you place the cursor over the phase.