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Upnify + Facebook LeadAds integration

Mon Jun 13 2022 07:08:27 GMT-0500 (Eastern Standard Time)

Upnify + Facebook LeadAds integration

Using Upnify's Facebook LeadAds integration can help you optimize your campaigns and set up distribution methods according to your business and will impact the speed at which you serve prospects.

Facebook has become one of the most profitable channels in online marketing. Your potential customers are there!

Create lead campaigns

One of the ways to build audience and prospect, is to generate lead form campaigns. You do this in Facebook's ad manager and you can see how to do it in their business help section.

These forms allow you to choose your target audience, filter their interests and locate the country or even the neighborhood where they are.

Set up your automatic tracking in Upnify CRM

Once you have created the Facebook campaign, go to your CRM and make sure you have the Facebook Lead Ads source created. You do this in Administration -> Catalogs -> Origins. This will help you identify all leads from this channel.

Also create a segmentation tag in Tools -> Tag segmentation. For example, Facebook Summer Ad. This has two functions:

  • Group all prospects in a category.
  • Assign them an automatic communication

Now you can go to tools and automatic communications to create an email chain. The first piece can go out from the moment they fill out the form, so make sure you use that first email to hook and build a relationship with these prospects.

Integrate the form with Upnify CRM

Now it's time to have the leads that fill out the form on Facebook come directly to the CRM and automatic emails are sent. To do this, go to Integrations -> API. Click on Facebook Lead Ads and start.

When you click on add integration, you will be able to choose your fan page and select the Facebook Lead Ads source, as well as the targeting tag. Check this video to follow the steps calmly: Integrate Facebook Leads ads with your CRM.

Assign the ideal distribution method for this channel

If you have a sales team, you are probably interested in optimizing qualification and interactions with prospects. For this, you can create a distribution method that assigns specific criteria.

Go to Administration -> Customization -> Contact distribution rules. After pressing the new rule button, you will be able to assign a description; for example Facebook Summer Prospects. Choose the days, times and communication template to notify the team.

In the add filters button, you can assign criteria to be as specific as you want, because you can select different fields. For example, if you have a rule where you are interested in assigning these prospects, but that they are also from a specific city, choose the city and write which one.

The advantage is that in the criteria you can use the custom fields you have created in Upnify and distribute the leads to the executive in question. Imagine that if the prospects choose the city of Cancun, you send them to executive A and if they choose the city of Merida, you send them to executive B.

Downloading the Facebook base vs. receiving the leads to the CRM

When you create campaigns in Facebook and download the leads in CSV files, it is very time consuming to clean them to send them to the sales area.

By integrating your Facebook forms into Upnify :

  1. You receive leads immediately
  2. They are assigned to the executive of your choice
  3. Automatically tag them to belong to a segment
  4. Start an automated email marketing campaign

Without Upnify          vs          With Upnify

Bottom line:

Using Upnify's Facebook LeadAds integration can help you optimize your campaigns and set up distribution methods according to your business, and will impact the speed at which you serve prospects.