Automatic email responses - Upnify
Upnify CRM
automatic communication

Automatic communication campaign to follow up your prospects

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

CRM Marketing | 10 de mayo, 2022

Upnify allows you to create a campaign that will be sent automatically to all those contacts that belong to a particular segment.

For example, if you have an event and you want to automatically send thank you letters, additional information, special discounts for attendees, among others, you can create a tag (in tools and then in segments) and assign a series of scheduled emails creating an automatic communication campaign.

Email campaigns.jpg

  1. Add segment

In the Tools menu select segments, add the name of the tag, for example if it is for prospects who attended the event "House on the Beach", you can create a tag called "Event on the beach".

  1. Create a campaign

Once you have created the label, that is to say, the segment, you can create a campaign with different communication pieces. To do this click on Tools, then on Automatic Communications, add campaign and fill in the fields: name of the campaign, label, addressed to and assign a person in charge.

  1. Add email parts

When you create a new campaign, Upnify asks you if you want to add the parts, select YES to generate the communication parts you need.

First email

Let´s think that these prospects already went to the event, then we will create a thank you email for attending the event. This email will be sent 0 days after assigning the segment to a contact.

Second email

Days later we can send a follow-up email to maintain constant communication and we can offer a special benefit for attending the event. This piece will be sent 5 days after the previous piece:

You can add as many emails as you deem necessary to automatically follow up with all event attendees, interested people who are looking for information or that segment that you feel should have a series of emails assigned to it after you segment it by creating a tag.

  1. Activate campaign

Once you have created all the communication pieces, you must make sure that the campaign is active. To do this, click on the play button on the right-hand side of the campaign name in your automatic campaigns´ menu.

With this functionality, you will see that it saves time, it also sends relevant information about benefits and allows you to accompany the prospect during the sales process to follow up personally.

  1. Edit email

If you want to edit any of the pieces to be sent (mails or sms) click on the name of the campaign.

Then click on the title of the piece to be edited.

There you will be able to modify the title of the piece, the days of sending, the content of the same among others.

Save even more time with email templates

Do you want to send personalized emails in a matter of minutes? Upnify provides you with pre-designed email templates with which you can add your personal touch to create an automatic campaign from Upnify without the need to have design skills. Download them for free here.

Start sending automatic emails with Upnify CRM.

It´s very easy to follow up with your customers with Upnify automatic communications campaigns, if you are not a customer yet we give you a 30 days free trial of the CRM so you can start saving time by sending automatic emails to follow up with your prospects.

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