Learn how to know the 3 most basic needs of your customers
We might think that when a person seeks to buy something they do it for the price, out of necessity or even on a whim.
This goes beyond that. We must recognize that a customer is the most important part of any business and that is why the trust and emotion that we awaken in him is the key to attract him and make him loyal.
Understanding what, why, how and who buys makes the sales process easier.
In general terms, we can classify customer needs as follows:
Emotional needs.
It is said that when consuming products or services, our reptilian brain, our emotional brain and, finally, our rational brain come into play. To better understand these needs, our questions will be based on how we want to make the consumer feel. Answering this question will allow us to optimize our messages and more easily reach the heart of our customers.
Let's be clear that the emotions that move human beings are happiness, anger, sadness and fear, among others. When developing content, we must know what we want to inspire in our audience and how we are going to impact them.
The fact is that we must be careful not to overuse emotions when developing our marketing strategy.
Functional needs. As the name says, these are the ones that fulfill a specific function for the customer, which makes them more tangible, so to speak. For example, a garbage can factory could develop new products, such as can size, with or without lids, of different capacities, with wheels, etc., to satisfy different customer needs based on their usefulness.
These types of needs can be extremely specific or more ambiguous, depending on the customer's purchasing criteria.
Social needs: Who doesnt want to belong to a certain group or be perceived in some way? This is what social needs are all about: belonging. Here the saying goes: As you are seen, so you are treated.
In fact, when a customer is going to buy a product or service, the first thing he thinks about is whether he likes it or not, whether it is useful or not, and finally whether he is related to the rest of the people in order to look like something. In other words, the customer's social need is not the main reason for buying, but it does influence his final decision.
Thus, these three types of needs come together to make a person buy our product or service, together with quality, price, user experience and other needs that we will see in upcoming articles.