The Subtle Art of Persuasion in Sales - Upnify
Upnify CRM

The Subtle Allure of Persuasion in Sales: Suffer Less and Enjoy More

Patricio Peker Por Patricio Peker

CRM | 27 de febrero, 2017

It is all very well to make an effort, to be disciplined and constant, but not to suffer. In the business and leadership areas you should seek to work smarter and less hard.
One way to achieve this is by developing the art of sales persuasion, where by applying less force and more tactics you can achieve better results. Whether you are dealing with one person at a time, or targeting large audiences, you can benefit from the subtle charm of sales persuasion.

Persuasion in sales and its power

In this opportunity I want to reference the Canadian Jack Newman and his small but interesting book "The Hypnotic Language: Improve your sales persuasion skills and your ability to get what you want in any situation". In it he emphasizes that there are two ways to persuade, the first is by making the target audience visualize the attractiveness of what they gain by acquiring the product, and the second technique is by showing the negative picture that would be generated by not having the product or service.

Persuade by the Negative

The sales persuasion technique of showing the negative angle of what would be lost by not being a beneficiary of the product's benefits is widely used by insurance companies, for example by showing what would happen to the family if their income were lost due to an unfortunate accident.


Be careful with this, because it is a double-edged sword. You must do it like this: do not make the customer doom and gloom predictions of what would happen to him, but rather, based on an anecdote you tell him in which you are the protagonist (or a customer who told you how happy he was because if he had not had your product, such and such would have happened to him), it is the customer himself who relates: not having what you offer me = danger, anxiety, worry, uncertainty, unpayable expenses.

Persuade by the Positive

Personally, I prefer the persuasion technique in sales where you use ingenuity so that the customer can perceive for himself the great benefits of the product or service you are offering. For the same example of insurance, it would be to be able to come up with a way to show how the couple and their children would benefit from receiving the money from the reward received because of the accident.
Perhaps a simulation video could be useful or the delivery of some tangible product where they can see the benefit, such as a post-dated check for $500,000 cashable to the bearer in the event of an accident.

Asking the right question

There is no doubt that relationships are built through communication, and if it is persuasive enough to identify the customer's real needs and the money they would be willing to pay for it, you will have succeeded in making the click connection with the customer.

One good question is enough to get the customer to tell you and find out what they are looking for.

For example, what can I help you with, what particular product are you looking for, do you have a fixed budget or are you flexible on it, what is most important to you in this situation, can you imagine what you would do each month with the $270 you will save by using our system, and so on, and so on, taking the communication until you find the need and the value to the maximum point of desire.

Use of Partnerships

In advertising, associations are used to persuade the public to make a purchase decision; it is a way of seducing the prospect to make assumptions and let his imagination fly, without realizing it.
That is why they sell you a fantastic car by associating it with a beautiful woman, so that you believe that by buying the car you will make beautiful women prefer you. The association of car design with attraction of couples has worked for certain profiles of people.
The same could happen if you associate a university with famous and successful personalities, a dog as a support to defend you from so much insecurity in the streets, a kitchen utensil with famous chefs, and so on.

Thanks to persuasion in sales you can work with less force and greater results.

Supported by language and questions, the use of associations to sell your idea and allow the client to dream, the generation of trust in people so that they feel comfortable and at ease with your presence.

Handshake 3.gif

I invite you to use all your power of seduction and attraction so that the people you come in contact with are encouraged to follow you in your proposals and projects.
Think: what are the questions or phrases that you use with your clients to focus them on the negatives of not making a decision or if they are denied the possibility of what you offer them; and what are the ones you use to encourage them to want to say yes? Remember, it's all about moving people away from what makes them afraid, hurt, hungry, worried or spending, and bringing them closer to what they want, to where they want to be, to joy, to desire, and giving them the water that quenches their thirst.
If you enjoy it more, the customer will enjoy it more
Be smarter, like more, serve better and suffer less. Enjoy the subtle charm of persuasion in sales.

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