Choose a CRM in 7 simple steps - Upnify
Upnify CRM

7 key factors for choosing a CRM

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

CRM | 17 de mayo, 2022

Consider these key factors as you begin your search for the ideal CRM for you.

Buying your first CRM (customer management system) is like buying your first car.

You can't immediately go on the road at full speed, first you need a driver's license, then a good vehicle insurance, knowing and adapting to it and comparing its advantages and disadvantages before taking it out on the road. Similarly, it is necessary to consider many factors in order to get your CRM.

There are many options on the market, so how can you choose the right CRM for your needs? Consider the following key factors to find the ideal customer management system for your company.

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It is very important to be clear about the objective you want to achieve with a CRM.

Improve follow-up? increase sales closings? analyze information on unconcluded business? and monitor your sales team?

When you know more about your objective, it will be easier to choose the CRM that best suits your needs and budget.

Efficient follow-ups

Choose a system that allows you to provide you with efficient technological follow-ups.

A well-designed CRM allows you to carry out, with a single tool, the control of calls, emails, visits, appointments, WhatsApp, mailing, among others. This way you will have order and, therefore, control of your sales.


Make sure that the CRM allows mobility of your operation.

Today's digital world is always on movement, and your business can't stop just because no one is in the office, for business trips or for any other reason. With an app you can take control wherever you go, an advantage that has become vital today and that not any other CRM has.


It is of utmost importance that you make sure that your CRM has integration possibilities. Nowadays it is essential to have the necessary technology (API) to be able to connect systems and thus unite the processes of your business or company. There are CRM's like SalesUp! that allow you to automatically prospect, interact with your potential customers, send mass mailing campaigns, among other activities.

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Most companies need to use several applications during the day, work with them from your CRM without having to switch screens numerous times and achieve automatic data synchronization, all this can greatly streamline your operation.

Reporting and metrics.

You can't improve what you can't measure.

A good CRM allows you to take control of your sales by offering detailed reports to know how your team is operating, so you can constantly monitor your progress until you reach your goal.

Sales, billing, conversion, customer and scorecard reports are just a few examples of the measurement tools that a CRM can offer you to make informed, data-driven decisions about the direction of your business.

Automated marketing.

More and more companies are choosing to automate their marketing processes to save time and increase results.

Make sure your CRM has features such as email templates, automated campaigns and accounting of sent and opened emails to make your system a complete solution.

Customer service.

Be sure that, once you have purchased the CRM, the service provider will be able to support you when you have a situation that needs to be solved.

Sometimes challenges arise that we cannot solve on our own, so the attention and support you receive is a very important factor.

A good CRM has a lot of advantage, it can help you increase your sales, improve productivity and achieve the efficiency of your team; in short, it will allow you to take control of your entire operation, which is why making the best decision when choosing a CRM is essential for your company.

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