Willing to change. A willingness mentality to change - Upnify
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willingness to change

Change your mindset

Pepe Villacís Por Pepe Villacís

Marketing Training | 4 de mayo, 2023

Based on the work of Robert Kriegel and David Brandt.
Can people who are willing to change be taught? What are the common characteristics of people who are willing to change? It doesn’t take a superhero to embrace change.

These characteristics exist in all of us, but like musical or athletic aptitude, they must be developed.


Being willing to change is to be stimulated and challenged by change, anticipating and initiating it rather than merely reacting to events. Being willing to change means taking risks, challenging conventionalisms, and pursuing dreams. It is growing, learning, and living life to the fullest - using skills, strengths, and resources you never thought you had. When you are ready for change you will do more than you thought you could, you will be more than you thought you could be.



Making change your friend and not your enemy will lead you to a future of unlimited possibilities that will make your life more prosperous, more rewarding, and more fun.


  1. Resourcefulness

Recursive people make the most of every situation and use whatever resources they have to formulate plans and contingencies. They see more than one way to achieve a goal and can look for help in the least obvious places. They have a real talent for finding new ways to solve problems. We define Resourcefulness as the ability to make something out of nothing. A Resourceful person is going to do as much as possible in whatever situation they find themselves in using whatever resources are available. They realize that there is more than one way to accomplish a goal and that the obvious way is not the only way.


  1. Optimism

This is the basis for a positive view of the future. Optimism correlates with willingness to change, as the pessimist sees only problems and obstacles while the optimist recognizes opportunities and possibilities. Optimism is a reflection of our frame of reference and our frame of reference is affected by our frame of mind. Optimists are enthusiastic, and positive about change and have the conviction that things usually turn out well.


  1. Spirit of Adventure

Being adventurous means loving challenges, being willing to take risks, and having the desire to pursue unknown opportunities in the hope of the arrival of something substantial. It is the opposite of following a route. Adventurers are bored by routine, hate repetition and feel compelled to break out of it. They are on the lookout for new ways of doing things.


  1. Driving force

The drive is the fuel that maximizes all other character traits. It is equal parts energy and mental desire and forms the basis of a person’s dynamism. Drive injects passion and determination. If you have to drive, nothing seems impossible. If you don’t, change is... exhausting.


  1. Adaptability

Adaptability is about flexibility and resilience. Flexible people change their expectations according to circumstances. Elastic people are those who recover from their failures quickly and confidently, regain their initial state early and move on.


  1. Confidence

This is a strong belief in your ability to handle anything. Confidence is developing self-admiration and building it up through an inner belief that any situation is influenceable in one way or another. If optimism is the attitude that a situation will turn out well, confidence is the assurance that we are capable of handling it.


  1. Tolerance of Ambiguity

A certain degree of ambiguity is good and realistic. Ambiguity allows plans to be refined as more facts become available. Without a healthy tolerance for ambiguity, change is not only uncomfortable but frightening.

The Formula for Real Change:

  • The Equation for Change shows the four components that must be present to overcome resistance to change in an organization:
  • Dissatisfaction (Discontent) with the current situation.
  • Vision of what the possible future is and what is the way to build it.
  • Achievable first steps to reach that vision.
  • Support the person, professionally and emotionally.

In other words:

D x V x F + S > R

Dissatisfaction (x) Vision + First Steps + Support > Resistance to Change.


If any of the four (D, V, F, or S) is Zero or close to zero, the product will also be zero or close to zero, and resistance to change will predominate. It is a simple but powerful formula that provides a quick first impression of the possibilities and conditions for change in a person or an organization.

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