Customer Management: Achieve it in 4 Steps - Upnify
Upnify CRM
Customer management

Customer Management: Achieve it in 4 Steps

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

CRM | 4 de septiembre, 2017

In this article, you will learn about what Customer management is, the steps to apply it to your company, and effective tactics to ensure you have happy customers.

What is customer management?


For any company or business, the customer is always the most important thing. They are where all the efforts of daily work are focused, to meet their needs and even exceed them. Customer management is the process formed by a set of tactics and strategies that are oriented to the loyalty of your customers; that is to say, that they voluntarily decide to continue buying from you and also recommend you among their close circles.

Steps for Proper Customer Management


Making your customers happy to buy your product or service on a recurring basis is not always an easy task. Many times, a small oversight can cause you to lose the customer most fascinated with your product.

Get to know your prospects better and how to make them happy with the "6 Steps to Improve Your Customer Success”

It is because of this that a customer management process has been developed with defined stages; each of your customers will have to go through each of the stages and your job, as a sales professional, is to make their passage through the phases easier. To simplify this process, so you can have happier customers with less effort, we share some best practices and tactics for each of the stages with you.


Prospecting Screenshot.png   1.- PROSPECTING

This is the first stage of the process, when a prospect is interested in your product or service and asks for information, at this point do not force the sale! you could lose a potential customer.

Thumbs Up Screenshit.png   Best Practices

  • Segment your company's customers
  • Knowing your customers' needs
  • Define your value proposition, what makes you unique in the market.

Settings Screenshit.png   Tactics

An effective way to manage your potential customers at this stage is through emails that communicate the benefits they can get from you; the language should still not be with the intention of selling, on the contrary, it should feel like an exchange of information. An excellent way to save time and effort is to schedule automatic communications, click here to learn more about this topic.



Opportunity Screenshit.png   2.- OPPORTUNITY

This stage begins when your prospect asks you for a quotation. This means that they are already considering buying from you and you have to act strategically in this phase in order to close the sale. This is where your negotiation skills must intervene.

Thumbs Up Screenshit.png   Best Practices

  • Put your negotiation skills into practice
  • Be clear on the scope that the product or service may have for the client.
  • Document the agreements reached

Settings Screenshit.png   Tactics

At this stage the speed of response is a fundamental factor. Did you know that the more minutes you take to send a quote, the more your chances of closing the sale decrease? That is why it is of utmost importance to send the quote in the first minutes, click here to learn how you can do it.


First Purchase Screenshot.png   3.- FIRST PURCHASE

Congratulations! You finally got the Yes from your prospect and the sale is closed. Now you have a new customer, however you must be very careful, this is a critical point, if you play your cards right this customer could become a recurring purchase, so it is not yet time to let him go.

Thumbs Up Screenshit.png   Best Practices

  • Make sure your customer received your product as agreed.
  • Provide adequate follow-up during the delivery or implementation process.
  • Let them know that if they have any difficulties, you will be there to help them.

Settings Screenshit.png   Tactics

Automate a thank you and post-sales email to reach your new customer the same day or one day after they received your product.



Loyalty Screenshot.png   4.- LOYALTY

As already mentioned, post-purchase service is essential to build customer loyalty, do not let all the work you did during the prospecting stage go to waste. Better captivate your customer by offering a personalized post-purchase follow-up.

Thumbs Up Screenshit.png   Best Practices

  • Make a history of the customer to have the follow-ups that have been given and the purchases that have been made, all in one place.
  • Do not lose contact with that customer, inform him about new products or promotions

Settings Screenshit.png   Tactics

Don't break up with them, continue to give them small details that strengthen the relationship. An excellent way to surprise them is to send them a congratulatory email on their birthday.


Extra Tip

Managing your customers becomes easier when you have technological tools that help you automate each of the strategies and tactics you use to make your customers happy. A CRM system like Upnify helps you simplify your business process, learn more about its benefits in this article or explore them yourself with your first 30 days free.


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