Entrepreneurial vision in the second era of business. - Upnify
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Corporate vision

Entrepreneurial vision in the second era of business.

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

Marketing Training | 1 de abril, 2023

Business vision. Learn how to make the transition from a functional, hierarchical, and closed organization to an open, integrated, and extended organization.
  1. Achieve a joint, shared, and committed vision that guides the mission, objectives, and strategies of all areas, groups, and people in a single direction, creating a culture of continuous improvement and strategic synergy of the integrated and expanded company, as a condition for exercising socially responsible management towards its relevant audiences.


  1. To generate the new transformational leadership required by the transition, through the development of the organizational, managerial, and social skills and abilities of the people who manage people.


  1. Redefine, redesign, and transform products, services, processes, and administrative support systems, to clean up extra costs throughout the organizational structure, creating a culture of productivity, effectiveness, and customer service as a "raison d'être", necessary conditions to be highly competitive on the world stage.


  1. Considering the human being as a central value and generator of social, technological, and economic development and growth of organizations, as a basic principle of Corporate Human Resource Management, which implies "humanizing the company and its institutions".



In this article, I will begin by breaking down the first topic, so that at the end of this series of writings, we have a route that allows us to have the minimum guidelines necessary to define the strategic direction of our companies.

In other words, a methodological model to create a shared business vision.



Business vision: defining or redefining the business, values, and essential forces.

In the process of creating and building a shared business vision, the first basic questions we must ask ourselves are: What business are we in? what are the values that drive us? what are we really strong at? what are our strengths? - The answers to these fundamental questions have profound implications for the definition and formulation of the vision of the company, the area, and the individual.


Being in the "crisp production" business is not the same as being in the "food production" business. It is not the same to be in the business of "selling telecommunications equipment" as it is to be in the business of "solving telecommunications problems". Also, the core values and strengths are different when the core businesses are different.


A core business is understood as one that 'has critical mass, a leading market position, distinctive capability and technology, presence and potential for expansion and is a main driver of development'.

Core values are those beliefs that should guide our behavior and make us proud to belong to a human organization.  

A core strength is a basic capacity for action, a distinguishing characteristic, on which every organization relies; it is a source of competitive advantage and an engine of growth and evolution.


The clarity and precision with which these three central aspects of organizational identity are defined or redefined depend on the clarity and precision with which the vision and mission of the enterprise, of the functional units, and of the people who work in them are defined or redefined.

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