How to make your customers get involved in your business to increase sales
In the month of February most companies, taking advantage of the emotion of February 14th, better known as Valentine's Day; make available special offers or seasonal products.
However, sometimes companies elaborate their promotions with the sole purpose of increasing their sales during this season, but when the festivity is over, sales return to normal.
For your company to continue growing, it is important that your sales have exponential growth and not peak depending on the seasons. Without falling into sentimentalism, the relationship with your customers is like a couple of relationships, and to keep it, it is necessary to keep the spark lit all year round and not only on special dates, here are 5 strategies that you can apply immediately to keep your customer engaged.
Know your customer, better than he knows himself.
The first step is to know your customer, what he wants, what he expects from this relationship, and what his main needs are. It seems that this is something trite, something that is constantly repeated to those of us who are related to the world of sales, but this does not take away its importance, when you already have a deep knowledge of your customer, you already have 80% of the sale won.
" You never finish knowing a person, when you think you already know everything, you discover new things."
Visit the places where you meet.
When you want to seduce someone, you find attractive, you "casually" go to the places where he or she frequently goes, to have a "chance encounter". Use this same strategy with your clients, if you know that your ideal client spends most of his or her time on Facebook or that he or she prefers to receive promotions by email, then you will already know the places where it is best to advertise.
Make a 180-degree turn.
This is a small change that involves little effort, but that will help you get great results; it is about changing the focus in the communication you have with your client; he is not interested in knowing what you have to offer him, on the contrary, he is very interested in knowing how he can improve (in every way) by using a product like yours.
Details are important, but not indispensable.
When you are in the falling in love stage, the most common thing is to try to attract the attention of the desired person with details; after time passes and you already have a formal relationship with that person, you realize that details are important, but even more important are the qualities you can offer and/or the attitude.
In the same way, it works with your customers, discounts and promotions only work in the falling-in-love stage, but to make them stay with you in a long relationship, it is more important the value you can offer to your customer.
"A customer will stop buying from you when you no longer offer them the discount they are used to, but they will continue to buy from you if they perceive that your product adds value to their lives”.
Make a formal proposal.
After the falling in love stage comes the time to make a statement, to express that you want to be with that person in a formal relationship. With your customers there is always a similar moment, when you make a formal business proposal and send a quote, this is the decisive moment, everything is summarized in a yes or no, but if you performed the previous strategies, be sure to have the sale won.
Like any relationship, you have to know how to identify if the person is not the right one or if the time has come to say goodbye, that is why we share with you this other article that will help you to know if the best thing for both parties is to end the relationship with your client and how to do it in good terms.