Service quality. How lack of methodology affects service quality - Upnify
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Have you heard the reason why the Japanese are successful in their service quality? Systematic action is what allows us to move forward and obtain optimal service quality. Learn how to achieve your quality goals in this article.

Lack of systematic action: a problem affecting service quality

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

Training | 12 de diciembre, 2022

Since my early days as a professional, I have admired the Japanese philosophy, applied to quality management that we can apply to service, and also as an approach to life in all its aspects.

Their tools are simple and easy to understand, but they go to the heart of the matter, and most importantly, they are based on a discipline of repeating over and over again those management cycles.

Systematic action is what allows us to move forward.

Sometimes we think we need to be experts in one discipline or another, but it is not high knowledge that will lead us to success, but rather the constancy to always keep moving forward, and as leaders to encourage our teams not to stop.

A few days ago, I received comments on two of my articles, in which I proposed very simple and easy-to-implement actions to improve service quality.

One of those comments said "nothing new, but it is always good to remember it". Yes, we know, but why do we so rarely see it implemented?

The other is "good advice, but few take it into account". And therein really lies the key. We don't have to reinvent the wheel every day. Surely, we already know what we need to do to increase service quality, but we have lacked action and perseverance in putting it into practice.

In this information-hungry world, so abundant and sometimes overwhelming, the one who moves forward and achieves success is the one who takes a good idea, implements it immediately, and does not abandon it the next day.

Is the lack of systematic action affecting service quality?

Perhaps the quality of service is being affected by the hysteria of constantly changing course, expecting immediate results that you do not see, because you do not persevere with your actions. 

How many times have you read a good idea, and said you were going to apply it, but it did not go beyond a good intention?

How many times have you started to implement a new and healthy habit, but abandoned it too soon?

Does your team see a leader who is an example of constancy and who looks at the long term or one who continually changes his decisions, confusing you?

 How to make your systematic actions a work of art.

The Japanese have maintained their management and improvement cycles for decades. They have hardly changed their theories, and since they started their revolution, they have advanced incessantly, becoming a true example to observe and imitate.

Have you ever heard of a canon? It is that music that starts with an instrument or a voice and incorporates others, while the first is repeated repeatedly. The music ends with incredible beauty! But if you think about it, they are simply pieces of music, skillfully created, and all they do is repeat over and over again.

Today I encourage you to take the next good idea you get, implement it and stick with it until you see the results. It begins to sound like a canon, incorporating new actions on the perseverance of the previous ones.

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