What to do if you don´t want to lose customers? - Upnify
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losing customers

Losing customers: What can be done to avoid losing customers?

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

Sales | 26 de mayo, 2022

Many companies, in their eagerness to increase sales, seek to have the best products, the best prices, the best offers; but they neglect one of the most important aspects: customer service, pay special attention to this point so that you can stop losing customers.

A poorly served customer will avoid buying from us and, if he has already bought from us, he will never buy from us or visit us again. But what is even worse, is that it is very likely that they will speak ill of us and tell other consumers about their bad experience.

Keep the customer service

If you want to generate and retain customers, and you want to ensure that they buy from you the first time and always come back and recommend you, give them excellent service.


However, if you want to lose customers forever and have them bad-mouth you and your business, you must do the following:

- Don´t greet him when he enters your business.

- Instead of smiling at him, keep a grim face.

- When he enters your business, ignore him and let him wander around.

- Or, if anything, get as close and stick as close to him as you can.

- Don´t show interest when he asks you a question.

- Don´t have all the information he might ask for.

- Don´t be present when he might ask for your help.

- Make him wait to attend to you.

- Maintain a listless attitude, not wanting to serve him.

- Pressure him to buy at once.

- If he asks for something, take care of him, but in a bad way.

- Argue with him, and always try to win the argument, never give him the reason.

- Don´t worry about the hygiene of the premises (equipment, facilities).

- Don´t worry about your personal appearance.

- Do not make any concessions, follow the company´s policies to the letter.

- If he asks you about a product you don´t have, simply tell him that you don´t have it, and don´t give him any explanation.

- Sell him your product or service, no matter if it is defective, or if it is not what he really needs.

- Sell him a poor-quality product, but make him believe that it is a good product.

- Tell him that the product has some features that it doesn´t have.

- Tell him that the product goes well with him, or that it fits him, even when it does not.

- Put several obstacles in his way to make his purchase effective.

- Don´t meet delivery deadlines.

- Do not fulfill the promises or the agreed conditions.

- Do not thank them when they have bought from you.

- Once you have obtained his data, send him non-stop e-mails or call him insistently by phone.

Obviously, no one wants to lose customers, so we should not follow this list, but we should keep it in mind so that we know what we should never do.


Once we are aware of the things, we should avoid doing to lose customers (either to prevent them from not buying from us, or to stop them from buying from us), we should get in touch with our staff (especially our salespeople) so that they avoid them, and rather focus on providing good customer service.

Tips for excellent service.

  1. Find and retain excellent staff.
  2. Get to know your customers deeply
  3. Build a service vision that everyone clearly understands.
  4. Make your service delivery process "flawless".
  5. Continually train your staff
  6. Engage, empower and inspire your team.
  7. Recognize, reward, incentivize and celebrate measured and proven customer satisfaction.
  8. Set your company´s "tone of voice" and lead by example, be consistent.


What actions will you take in your business and in your life in this regard?

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