Monitoring sales team - Upnify
Upnify CRM
Customer follow-up

Monitor the opportunities without follow up with Upnify

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

Sales | 11 de mayo, 2022

How much money is your company losing due to lack of follow-up with your prospects and customers? Learn the benefits of following up on prospects in a timely manner and how to do it in an easy and simple process.

Statistics indicate that 50% of prospects will not receive timely follow-up, resulting in decreased revenue for both the company and the salesperson.

Why is it important to monitor your salespeople´s business opportunities? Remember that a qualified prospect is a person who is close to making a purchase decision and who has previously requested information about our product or service, some benefits that professional customer follow-up provides:

  • Increase sales as a result of professional customer follow-up.
  • You can integrate a customer follow-up history with valuable information to generate new sales.
  • Build a positive service experience with the customer, gain their trust and possible recommendations for the attention you provide.
  • Recover sales that other salespeople lose due to lack of follow-up.

With Upnify you can easily monitor the follow up your prospects are receiving 

The sales made by each salesperson or sales group in the period you decide, as well as the sales you are losing due to lack of professional follow-up.

To get this information, in the main menu click on Reports, select Opportunities Without Follow Up.

You can also filter the information you want to know by executive, sales group or the entire company. This will help you to have a good control of what your work team is doing.

The importance of providing a quality follow-up

It lies in the visibility you will have with your customers or future prospects, in this way you will show them that each of the processes are carried out effectively and efficiently, likewise you will give them the confidence to know that their investment and time is valued.

All follow-up opens up a world of opportunities for you. When you make the customer or prospect feel your interest in knowing their needs, you will make them happy and interested in getting your service or product.

By monitoring opportunities without follow-up, you ensure that your company does not lose sales and your salespeople do not lose commissions.

Remember that "perception is reality", you must be clear that the important thing is how your customers perceive the follow-up you provide them.

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