Build customer loyalty with Customer Success. - Upnify
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Customer loyalty

What can you do to build customer loyalty? Learn about Customer Success and its benefits.

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

Training | 26 de diciembre, 2022

The way of relating to your customers as a company can be the difference between imminent bankruptcy or skyrocketing growth. Customer Success is a concept evolving how we build customer loyalty.

 How do you achieve customer loyalty using Customer Success?

The reality is that most of the income you receive from the sale of a product, you get in the post-sale when your customer is clear that the product solves their problems and not only continues to use it, but you get loyalty and invite others to consume your product.


Did you know that 70% to 95% of the company's total income is generated by recurring customers? (Applies only to businesses where recurring sales exist).

As a result, this percentage reflects the ability of these companies to build customer loyalty.

Customers come back because the product and brand have satisfied them on their first purchase.

Yes, I know it sounds like common sense, but it goes beyond that, it implies an essential change in the traditional way of thinking, the way it is produced, the results you are looking for, and the benefits for both parties (customer-company). This new concept seeks to build customer loyalty by making full use of the information generated at each stage of the sales process, strengthening customer-company ties through personalized attention, and providing a high level of satisfaction.

Customer Success focuses on the customer who is the source of revenue and its ultimate goal is to build customer loyalty so that your product is part of their commercial success.


Difference between Customer Success and Customer Service

Please don't get confused. You probably think that Customer Success is simply a new name for customer support or customer care, and it is not.

The main difference between Customer Success and customer service is that customer care acts only in the face of a problem. Now most customers approach "customer care" or "support" only to have problems solved causing us to waste time and money.

Customer Success is proactive, it is attentive to the follow-up of the "customer's health" so that it can predict and solve obstacles before they arise or intensify because it is present at all times, thus achieving loyalty because it is useful to customers at the right time.


What can Customer Success achieve in your company?

Quickly build greater value for your customer, efficiently help them and consequently add more value to the company.

The "Customer Success" department plays a key role in the development of a long-term and trusting relationship with customers and functions as a communication channel.

Its function is new and stems from the need to retain and build customer loyalty while helping them to understand the full value of the product, provide opportunities for other branded products or offer enhancements.

In reality, as customers, we often buy a product, and the use we make of it as consumers is different from the purpose for which the company created it.

For example, I remember the case of a cream that helped healing (or that was what the brand advertised) and that its customers bought it for another use: to treat wrinkles. Soon the brand discovered that this was an extra benefit it could offer and so it made a special line, but how was it able to identify this? Easy! The brand listened to its customers, was attentive to the buying, selling, and after-sales process, and built customer loyalty.

Customer Success focuses on:


  • Understanding the how.
  • Understanding the why.
  • Using the information to your advantage and making sure the customer does everything better with the product.



If you can identify all these aspects, you will be able to implement a good strategy, get to know your customer better (even better than he knows himself), and build loyalty to attract others.

Customer Success allows you to:


  • Be able to measure customer contact with your product (how often do they use it? how do they use it? why do they use it?).
  • As a business, measure your relationship with the customer (how often do you communicate with them? who contacts them? how do they do it? why do they do it? do the touch points generate a good message?)
  • Identify where to provide the necessary support or training needed for the customer to maximize their results with your product.
  • All of this will allow you to identify the channels and methods through which you can communicate with him effectively.



You also know that the main concerns of every company are:


  • Losing customers.
  • Adding revenue.
  • Building customer loyalty.



Therefore, customer churn is a topic of discussion among Customer Success experts and remains so because companies today strive to predict as accurately as possible and a satisfied customer plays a vital role in creating revenue forecasts.


Customer Success is a broad topic, I have already told you about its advantages, but if you would like to know in detail the phases, and how to implement it in your company and thus increase the loyalty of your customers, I invite you to download this free eBook where I explain step by step and with a simple example.


See you next time!

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