Video is a great ally for your sales - Upnify
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Video is a great ally for your sales

Upnify Editorial  Team Por Upnify Editorial Team

Training | 18 de noviembre, 2022

Everything you should take into consideration to use video in your business strategy and achieve your goals.

The use of video in commercial strategies today is undoubtedly one of the best sales tools. The statistics speak for themselves:


    • It increases confidence by 52% within the prospect's buying process.
    • 64% of website visitors buy the product or service after having watched the video.
    • The chance of ranking higher on page one of Google increases 53 times.


  • In addition, companies are increasingly convinced that video is the type of content with the best ROI.



I would venture to say that a business strategy that does not include the use of video is incomplete.

What should you consider when making a video for your brand?



In general, videos shorter than 1:30 minutes are the best accepted in the attraction process. If you are at a more advanced stage in the sales process, the video can be between 2 and 3 minutes.

The first 12 seconds of the video are what will determine if you are going to gain the attention of your audience, therefore, you should start with a powerful message that generates identification so that they decide to watch it in its entirety.

Audiences over 50 years old are more likely to watch full videos even if they are longer than 5 minutes.



You should provide value, that's the golden rule. Whether your goal is to educate, inform, entertain or directly sell, it is important that you consider that the content must be thought of as something that interests the target audience and not just what the brand wants to say.

The content can be focused on explaining something more easily and effectively, telling stories, showing emotions, deepening a topic, providing confidence, or persuading. No matter the approach, you must ensure that the video projects the spirit of your brand.


I've always said, making a video is not video marketing. You need to understand the strategic objectives of the communication piece you are going to produce, that is, beyond the general objective, you must be clear about what part of the funnel it will work for, the buying stage your prospect is in, the messages you are going to communicate in that video.


In more than 10 years working in the area of digital content creation, I have noticed that clients always have the idea of making a great video in which they can include even the smallest detail of your company, and in general terms, it is a useful tool but generally long and only focused on the interest of the company and not so much the prospect. The recommendation in this sense is to fragment your content, instead of producing a single piece you can make three or four with very specific approaches, this way your materials will be more useful.



Finally, quality is an aspect that should not be neglected. There are many factors to take into account, some from a technical perspective such as lighting, image quality, audio clarity, type of shots, and framing, among others.


Currently, there is a trend focused on the production of amateur videos and that is why we find poor-quality videos all over social networks. In this sense I want to share a secret, the big brands that have amateur videos only adopted the concept, and behind them, there is a whole production working to offer good quality with improvised style.


The video's confidence is often undermined when we do not care about the quality because the prospect notices that even you are not willing to invest in your brand.

It's up to you! Do you want to be perceived as an amateur brand or a professional brand?

Remember that the use of video is a practice that is giving great results and will continue to do so for many years to come.

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