Upnify CRM

Category • CRM (5/7)


Follow-up: Know How to Provide Better Follow-Up

Follow up appropriately, let others see that you respect their time, resources, and the relationship they have with you in both the professional and personal environment. Conversely, if we fail to follow up, we project an attitude of arrogance and disregard for their time and productivity.

By Upnify Editorial Team 7 de julio, 2021


Qualities of a Leader: Personal Authority and Leadership

The personal authority of a leader is a result of the values and capabilities that they manifest in their management. It is a quality of theirs that the people in their environment recognize, without being able to grant or deprive them of it.

By Upnify Editorial Team 30 de junio, 2021


The Customer is Not Always Right

For many years there has been a premise, which later became a paradigm within customer service, and which served as the basis for the strategies that many companies employed in their customer service programs. This premise is: The customer is always right

By Upnify Editorial Team 29 de marzo, 2021


Advantages of Creating a Database

The customer database is one of the most valuable marketing tools for any business, it contains specific information about your customer that you can leverage to follow up on sales.

By Upnify Editorial Team 3 de marzo, 2021


Automatically Update your CRM Exchange Rate

The Upnify® API allows you to integrate various systems and make changes that boost your productivity. This article tells you how to automatically update the exchange rate in your quotation system.

By Upnify Editorial Team 4 de junio, 2019

Performance evaluation

5 Steps to Execute a Performance Evaluation in your Company.

Each member of your team has special skills that if used in the right way can lead you to achieve your goals, discover how to maximize the potential of your sales force with a performance evaluation, in this article you will find some tips to evaluate your team effortlessly and thus always have a constant improvement.

By Pepe Villacís 31 de octubre, 2017


Six Keys for Successful Teamwork

For any company, teamwork is vital. Even more so if you consider that organizations that promote teamwork obtain beneficial results, both for profits and for their workers, who are their driving force.

By Pepe Villacís 10 de septiembre, 2017