Upnify CRM

Category • CRM (3/7)


Choosing between CRM and ERP

Nowadays, businesses are looking to innovate constantly and it is essential that they have the necessary tools to improve their production, distribution, accounting, customer service, and other processes.

By Upnify Editorial Team 20 de junio, 2022


Make a call to action with your CRM

Do you know what a CRM has to do with a call to action? In this article we give you the keys to make your marketing strategy easier, thanks to a CRM.

By Upnify Editorial Team 31 de mayo, 2022


How to take advantage of a CRM for SMBs

Integrating a CRM for SMBs will help to manage the sales process effectively, also will have a better control to follow up with customers and will be able to visualize each step of managers and executives.

By Upnify Editorial Team 18 de mayo, 2022


Learn more about Upnify

Meet Upnify CRM, the sales software that will become your number one ally to manage your sales, thanks to its different tools and integrations, you will get better results.

By Upnify Editorial Team 16 de mayo, 2022