Upnify CRM

Category • CRM (4/7)

qualified prospects

Sell more with qualified prospects

A qualified prospect is one that has a high probability of becoming a customer. Depending on your company´s qualification criteria, qualified prospects.

By Upnify Editorial Team 5 de abril, 2022

CRM system

Benefits every CRM must have

Are you thinking of hiring a CRM? Don´t do it! Before you do, get to know the benefits that every CRM must have.

By Upnify Editorial Team 4 de abril, 2022


The advantages of a CRM

The importance of a CRM lies in the benefits it brings to the area of sales, marketing and customer service, it will help us build relationships with them.
If you are wondering why you should have a CRM, it is as simple as knowing that having this tool will guarantee you to build better relationships with customers and increase sales.

By Upnify Editorial Team 29 de noviembre, 2021