Upnify CRM

Category • Sales (8/15)

 sales tips

12.5 effective selling tips

Remember that selling is a relationship of trust with our potential buyer. The product matters, and the company we represent matters, but if an integral being does not manage all this in the way we are, look and act, success will be complicated to achieve.

By Pepe Villacís 24 de abril, 2023

How to be a better salesman

5 tips to help you become an excellent salesperson

Most salespeople experience ups and downs in practice, i.e., some weeks you are very motivated and others you are very depressed without selling, does your mood depend on whether you sell or not? What´s the point of being motivated when you are selling? Easy, isn´t it? Anybody, I would say.

By Upnify Editorial Team 19 de abril, 2023

Passion for sales

Power, passion, and joy in sales.

To find your passion for sales and to be able to express it freely, you must first cultivate authenticity. To be authentic is to express who you are, to be transparent with others, and above all to feel good about yourself.

By Upnify Editorial Team 5 de marzo, 2023

how to sell a product

How to sell a product avoiding the 7 most common mistakes

Selling a product is not a simple task; it becomes more complex when we make mistakes. Learn about the most common mistakes when you try to sell a product and find out how to succeed in selling your products in any market.

By Upnify Editorial Team 31 de enero, 2023