How do you sell if you have higher prices than your competitors?
Whenever I ask a sales team what the main obstacle to meeting sales goals is, in unison the answer is almost always the same: price.
By Upnify Editorial Team 27 de mayo, 2022
Whenever I ask a sales team what the main obstacle to meeting sales goals is, in unison the answer is almost always the same: price.
By Upnify Editorial Team 27 de mayo, 2022
Losing customers. Learn tips that can help you generate and retain customers.
By Upnify Editorial Team 26 de mayo, 2022
Learn how to improve your customer service and achieve higher sales and customer loyalty.
By Upnify Editorial Team 24 de mayo, 2022
Sales management: learn what a sales manager must take into consideration when managing sales in an efficient way.
By Upnify Editorial Team 20 de mayo, 2022
Customer service quality is the foundation for achieving success and long-term customer relationships. Know the aspects that impact this customer service.
By Upnify Editorial Team 19 de mayo, 2022
In every company it is essential to define where we will go and how we will reach our objectives; that is why a complete strategy can ensure a successful future.
By Upnify Editorial Team 12 de mayo, 2022
In the past it was thought that having a good product was enough to maintain the commercial relationship with customers.
By Upnify Editorial Team 11 de mayo, 2022
The biggest challenge that the commercial department has in companies is directly related to the professional follow-up that sales executives provide to their prospects or customers.
By Upnify Editorial Team 11 de mayo, 2022
Collections should be seen as an effective management, as a result of the appropriate management of income.
By Upnify Editorial Team 10 de mayo, 2022